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Bluestinger X

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Everything posted by Bluestinger X

  1. thats for the ring 2 huh? i cant believe they are making a sequal...
  2. i just saw a tale of 2 sister... damn weird movie.
  3. The Eels - hard rock times
  4. no release dates can be trusted anyways.. when its out its out.
  5. whats weird was i was trying to add a hd to my pc the other day and when i started up windows it said my windows had changes so much that i needed to reactivate it... ive never heard this happen to anyone else. Well i reactivated it and even though i had a good pin number i still feel weird and paranoid lol.
  6. i miss duke nukem... when they ever gona release another game?
  7. hey does anyone know where to get subtitles for asian movies? my gf got the shutter and she says its good but there isnt any subtitles ... and she said shes to scared to watch it and translate it for me lol. (scary movies... actully scare her) anyway any idea?
  8. no thats not true even there tvs suck.. way to over priced.
  9. sony fan boys are like adult nintendo fanboys... they diss anything thats not sony. I saw this group of ps2 fans once at game store , theses guys had to be in there 20s. One of them said he was thinking of getting an xbox for xbox live. The rest were like hell no xbox is cheap i hear they break then less then a week and then they went on about how GREAT PS2 is. I almost wanted to ask what the flock they been smokin since thats the ps2s problem... very true... competition is good for the gamer... keeps things new and creative coming out to spite the enemy. meaning more for us... what EA is doing is every gamers worst nightmere... we will probably be seeing the same old crap from them for the next 15 years.
  10. I also want that, but sadly, its not going to happen anytime soon. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ha and who can we blame for that mister sony lover. flock sony they killed the dreamcast and thats why i moved on to the xbox and ngc. sales figures dont mean crap.. its a bunch of hype bullcrap. They probably have such good sales cause they gota buy another one after there current one breaks. look at the sales figures who has the leads in games? ea everything they flockin make sucks but look at all the money they are makin. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm sureee sales figures don't mean anything. Like, who care how much market share you own and how popular software sales are on a system? And it doesn't matter how many ps2 systems were rebought, fact is sony has the largest install base, that's why more developers choose to produce games for the system. It wasn't Sony's fault that dreamcast went under, Sega rushed the system and wasn't prepared for the ps2 and thus lost support because the dreamcast lacked power and used a crappier format for discs. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> your a tool... dc owns ps2 even if its dead.
  11. i still think the backwards compatability stuff is dumb.. what are u gona do throw out ur ps2 when u get a ps3? When i get a xbox 2 i want it for xbox 2 games not orginal xbox games. If i did wana play xbox games id pull them out... since id probably rarely wana play them anyways. I dont get why ps2 people go on so much about that. How often do u play ps1 games compared to ps2 games? Plus u think about it couldnt the ps2 have been cheaper if they just left the ps1 crap out? why pay more when u already got a ps1!!?!?! maybe thats just me though.
  12. I also want that, but sadly, its not going to happen anytime soon. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ha and who can we blame for that mister sony lover. flock sony they killed the dreamcast and thats why i moved on to the xbox and ngc. sales figures dont mean crap.. its a bunch of hype bullcrap. They probably have such good sales cause they gota buy another one after there current one breaks. look at the sales figures who has the leads in games? ea everything they flockin make sucks but look at all the money they are makin.
  13. well the xbox 2 with xbox live turns me on... anything by sony gives me a softy.
  14. bruce lee pwns all
  15. u know what adds annoy me the most... hardees comercials. They first had those ones where they had the guys in the black room talking about how great hardees was.. now they have these ones that just diss mcdonalds. flock both of there food such major donkey balls... shut the flock up.
  16. yes i agree... about the other sections. u think there would be some cool stuff in the xbox section.. but all they talk about is mame and fba getting banned roms working.. ahh boring as hell. most the sections dont really have anything interesting to discuss.
  17. yeah these are the kinda questions that get flamed to hell at the xbox scene ... since people hate spelling stuff out for noobs when there is like a tut for everything and anything xbox related on the site.
  18. yes u can.. i personly am not a fan of kai or xbc since they seem to have a large amount of cheaters since u can hack the game and play it over the net unlike xbl which stops that. but some choose to use it i guess.
  19. well theres other ways besides modchips such as tosp flash or exploits. i personly go with a chip my self though. Anyways just read up at the xbox scene... u sound like a noob so u should do some research and stuff. and if u like using live then dont bother... since ms finds new ways to ban u. Luckly i have 2 xboxes one for live and the other for mod stuff. mainly xbmc .
  20. what the hell... if u put ur xbox hd in ur pc ur gona gona get anywhere. The xbox hd is in fatx format pc cant read it.. plus its locked. do some reading up before u go and ruin ur box. oh and the screws are under the pads and stickers under the xbox... u must be really retarded not to know that. most prducts use those pads and stickers to hide screws.
  21. didnt allot of people leave cause u annoyed them?
  22. what the hell? why is everyone getting all offened by this xbox. Who cares what this moron did to his xbox... its not like urs gota look like that. yeah its ugly...but man ive seen worse xboxes then that. I use to have lights and crap on mine.. then i relized it was annoying and put back on the orginal case . im more of a software person anyways. Anyone here use xbmc? best non pc media player ever .
  23. i agree.. damn sony! they still killed my dreamcast with there crapy hype machine. Ill be getting a xbox 2 for sure
  24. lol
  25. Hell yes, I concur. One of the best films Jet Li has ever starred. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> to tell u the truth... i thought the story was boring. Yeah the movie was very pretty and was like watching a really good painting in motion... but story wise snoooreee. I liked crouching tiger hiden dragon more..
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