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Bluestinger X

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Everything posted by Bluestinger X

  1. I think ur gona see a few titles that were orginaly claimed for xbox1 for the next xbox the same thing happened to a few n64 games.
  2. yellow stone... i live on the east side of america and we took a trip out west... i have to say i like it better out there. Probably move that way when ever i get some college out of the way.
  3. alright here a pic of me... tired as flock after walking 4 miles up a damn mountain with my gf and her friends.
  4. they just released a small bug fix and half life officialy works for me again . I just bought the game the day before yesterday so i played it for like 4 hours... then the next after noon i was like wtf! lol but atleast the fixed it at records speeds.
  5. yeah i already tryed the whole validating stuff.. nothing changed. Im so pissed off i almost wana get my money back... but i guess ill just calm down and what for valve to fix there issue. hell i could careless about the dm... but i cant even play the singleplayer bastards i tell u bastards.
  6. wow.... i just downlaoded it and guess what... halfife 2 wont run anymore . lol... i just checked some other forums and turns out a hell lot of people are having the same issues i am. damnit i just got it yesterday can i atleast finish the single player before valve goes and breaks it.
  7. lol i was in no way instulting chinese people ( my gf is asian by the way)... im talking about how who ever is the big country is always the asshole. Chinas ecnomy is rising as ours is falling so its only my guess that china would take over since well... there so many of them .
  8. meh i think this is pretty stupid... every empire falls sooner or later. hell we have lasted the longest havent we? If america ever does fall oh well life goes in.. maybe a few more wars yadda yadda.... all counrtys probably wont let us leave and we will end up dealing with it and become just another country just like brittian.... then we will go on about how cool our empire was... like brittian . then when ever china takes over everyone will think there assholes and wish america was in control again.
  9. lol i dont think all highschools have a cool black man to tell us to put a cap on it .
  10. i agree witha IJTF_Cinder and garageink. Hell a few years ago bill clinton took part of our taxes to homosexual research and help. That pissed me off... but id rather have some of my taxes go to getting kids to stop having kids at age 15 then help homosexuals get free school its something thats screwy about our countrys these days... u meet a girl when shes 18 and its like impossible to imagine her a virgin. Were as in some other countrys still a good part of the female population waits (and others it worse then us). Go walk through a highschool these days you will see atleast 5 pregnet girls and im sure there was more but they dropped out.
  11. best weapons my ass.... the assualt rifle was a joke you get right in some guys face and ur shooting like crazy and the guy with the damn pistol gets u in 2 or 3 shots bleh. .... i didnt even know people played games on easy mode. how can u say a game sucks when it seems like u suck . atleast play it in normal man. Ill say the single player was pretty boring. It has its up.. lost of explosions and such but like most single player games it lets u down in the end. Multiplayer if where halo2 is at.
  12. Well, maybe those PS games that you want to buy to complete your collection? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> they are freakin ps1 games... how much money do they cost? look at a review and buy it... lol. (also ur totaly full of crap) lol.
  13. what emulator today besides gameboy advance.... lets u try a game before u buy it?
  14. yeah i remeber the ut mod for the twin tower thing.. rather sick i think. I always think they should leave relife events out of videogames. Some war games are fun but atleast your not actully play a real person who died in the war. lol only thing i wonder is does this emulate the magic bullet theory? anyways rather sick gives gaming a bad name.
  15. It is one of the launch titles. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ah in japan? cause it isnt in america. I think its probably fake since the ds is way more encypted this time around. nintendo learned there lesson from the gba. Im sure they will break it sooner or later... but just a few days after release? nah.
  16. the ds will most likely be easyer to emulate since the hardware is nowhere as complex as the psp. Although the ds is more of a n64 and hell the n64 still has some games that wont even load. The psp is more near the ps2 which also has a long way before getting emulated. But i could really care less i personly think emulation is about retro gaming. If you emulate the ds how is it gona be anything like the ds with 2 screens and touch screen. The idea of emulating it would take all the fun out of it. id rather see the n64 and other retro systems perfected in emulation then see anything newer emulated.
  17. yeah... if you saw more of outside world news on things like this u would see that its just not in america. Freaky stuff like that is happening all over the world.
  18. when was a sonic titles even anounced for the ds?
  19. lol i imagine thats some sorta pet game for girls... i doubt they will even release it in america.
  20. ooh im kinda wondering what we will be able to do with the ds its self. the gba emulated nes games rather well... wonder if the ds can emulate anything like the snes or genesis... not sure though. would be cool but gota see if they can make a flash cart first i guess.
  21. the idea for an emulator is pretty lame. I mean most of the games with use the touch screen... how boring is that gona be on the pc... i guess u will have to use the mouse to emulate ur finger touching the ds screen also the ds pretty much sounds like a portable n64... and the n64 isnt even fully emulated yet. ill probably get one soon since im such a gaming nut... and i like to waste money .
  22. where as horrible voice acting dosnt? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> exactly !! I despise the anime they have up in Toonami/Adult Swim, seriously, in theory, there are only a few people that did the voice for all the character roles in the anime, thats pretty much dull, and I hated that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, see, horrible voice acting is the norm. That's not nerdy at all. I'll still go with subtitles if there's a major difference. But again, if I wanted to read, I'd get a Manga (and I have a few, too). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i still dont see subs as making anime any more nerdy then it already is. I mean what about other films from over seas. I use to watch alot of french films... and i also refused to watch it with english dubs cause it completely took away from the feel of the movie.
  23. where as horrible voice acting dosnt?
  24. i refuse to watch dubed. The voices make me so angry. I dont mind reading as long as the subs make since. Ive seen some horrble fan subs in my day. I dont know why but u actully start to learn alot of basic japanese words while watching subbed anime... which makes it atleast seem like ur learning something. If not keeping ur brain active by forcing u to read .
  25. i hated wolfs rain... i just couldnt take it.. i had the whole series for a while and it just made me bored to death... maybe if i was like a wolf/dog person id like it but im not so meh. FMA is an ok anime. nothing really wrong with it but nothing really overly great as well... worth watching atleast. Oh another anime that comes to mind.. the story isnt great but damn they did a good job on visuals is Last Exile.
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