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Bluestinger X

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Everything posted by Bluestinger X

  1. most are taken with xdk so the image is pretty much raw and not taken from the screen. although teamninjas games look good on any screen... im sure on hdtv they would look even better . I want one
  2. ... its kinda weird comparing the dc to the ps1 the dc beats the ps1 in all aspecs except how many games.... I hated ps1 truly so much... the graphics made my eyes hurt.. well the 3d ones anyways. The dc had so many great things like the vmu, online play, graphics, control and so on. Comparing them is like comparing the snes to the ps1. ( although i still think the snes was better haha )
  3. personly i think its kinda dumb to have an emulator for something that out on the market at the moment. I mean come on dont be cheap go buy one and injoy it as it really is. I can see it now... instead of people using there finger on the ds touch screen they will be using there mouse on the comp now a flash card would be a complete difffrent story lol jk
  4. that game looks so great. Im looking forward to the xbox live features. cant wait to kick som ass online
  5. Man you know the bad thing about seeing that movie was.... i have a really nice sweet asian girlfriend... im probably gona be scared to death of her from now on lol. Musstt not think about movie... ahh never mind shes so cute ill be fine I have Zatoichi on dvd already... its pretty funny really. anyways is there anymore asian films i must see ? juon 2 and battle royale 2 sucked so bad.. i hate sequals
  6. i just got done watching the audition... and all i can say is "WHAT THE HELL!!!" lol. That movie was much better then the ring but its freaky cause u dont know what was real or not..... i bet u will see an american release of that before u know it....
  7. what country is then ? lol I think all horror in general has its issues.
  8. i use to love mortal kombat back in the day.. but i couldnt ever get into the newer ones. Ill have to give deception a try though.
  9. hey he almost pulled it off... him wonder if his wife left him...
  10. ive never seen narato or what ever its called.... but i do like ramen noodles... mmmm ramen. from what ives seen... narato sounds like another dbz fab. I hate dbz so bad... but i do like anime. i think people who consider them selfs anime fans and love dbz... to be satan
  11. you mean the asian smurf lol jk
  12. theres an american version coming out this fall i believe but... it will most likley be just like the ring was remade of ringu. The orginal the grugde is called Ju-on watch it first i bet its better but still not really scary.
  13. most scary movie suck cause... well they arent scary. But atleast the ring kinda had a cool story. anyways heres a shot from Ju-On also another japanese horror to watch is Battle Royale not really horror but damn is it funny seeing japanese kids kill each other lol.
  14. ring 1 and 2? whats the 2? lol the american version? it kinda makes me mad the usa remaking japanese horror im not sure why. Like has anyone seen Ju-On.. ? if you havent you should check it out. Its almost like the ring. Anyways but just the other day i saw a preview for the grudge which is just an american version... again. its still even in japan but the main characters are replaced with white people . Anyways check out the japanese release..im sure ill see the american one sooner or later.
  15. wow what a complete waste of time ( plus space )
  16. I had them running on an older version of fbaxxx but... now no and i swear its impossible to find them for mame. All the versions u see are hacked for like neorage and stuff like that. Ive pretty much gave up looking for updated versions.
  17. ive been around a while but didnt bother posting lol
  18. look at the size of the new cartrigdes new boxes come in plastic no more cardboard cases to throw away here is a link to some good video of ds in action... give a while to load http://www2.nintendo.co.jp/ds/movie/index.html
  19. hey i was wonder... i havent seen anything about it but does the ds have a rechargeable battery? like the sp?
  20. ill probably end up gettiing both lol ill get the nintedo ds soon as its out then wait for the psp to have a price drop since it sounds expensive when it will be launched. The ds is already a great price only 150 and comes with a demo . Its gona be some time next year before we see the psp anyways.
  21. yeah the specs are much more then the ds but.... more dosnt always mean better since the power seems to be the psps main flaw since low batter and overheating. One thing ive been wondering is... how much? i keep hearing 300 and even 400 bucks from some people....
  22. take a game that was on both systems and compare them side to side and then think about what u just said.
  23. they were both great systems but i would still pick a snes over a genesis, I owned a snes and my friend owned a genesis we often argued over which was better. I always won specialy when it came to games that were on both systems such as mortal kombat and earthworm jim... the graphics were always better on the snes. Also we always seemed to play the snes more since it seemed to have more multiplayer games.
  24. well they are making a metal gear solid game and it looks cool... but then u read that its like a card game... i lost all interest from there. The rest seem to be just ports of ps2 games.
  25. if they could just emulate f zero dd so u could do the extra tracks stuff that would be enough right there. Didnt u need the orginal f zero x game plus the addon to play it? hmm only if u could just figure out how to take the data from the addon and emulate it into f zero x anyways what other games were released on it anyways? wasnt there mario paint 64?
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