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Bluestinger X

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Everything posted by Bluestinger X

  1. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/05/12/...ain694806.shtml Man I hope this is just some weird joke.. id hate to lose another amazing comdian.
  2. yeah sounds like it to me.. thats EA for u.
  3. lol i think it will be hilarious.. I mean all these years people have been complaing about america. Wait till china takes over. I can see it now.. some country in Africa having problems with war and so on. So we ask china to help. They reply "pffft! take care of it ur self" then threaten to take over japan.
  4. the prices have been leaked. 300 for the standard system and 360 for the bundle. Not bad at all really. I was expecting to pay much more for next generation. But then again gota wait and see how much you Sony fanboys will have to pay for ur cell hype.. which im sure will be much more.
  5. Is the not-on-ps2 news confirmed in any way, or just based on the fact that Sony has been a bunch of complete idiots about 2d games? And don't forget to buy some adapters and dual shocks in order to actually enjoy 2d fighters on your new bill-box. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> why would u do something retarded like that? u know they make arcade sticks for true 2d arcade fans right?
  6. dosnt look bad to me.. nice and white. looks like a cross between a pc and a dvd player.
  7. shot from the mtv special
  8. I remeber when that french film came to theatres.. i think it was called brotherhood of the wolf... the movie sucked but what made it even worse was it was dubed.. i wanted to poke my damn ear drums to stop the pain.
  9. man i hate Dubs soooo fing bad.. Serious if its not in its orginal form with subtitles i wont watch it.
  10. cause japan hates u.... ? they know where the real money is... america. Atleast microsoft treats europe and america almost the same.. well yeah titles a couple weeks later but other then that they never make u wait much longer. But sony its always japan first , america second then little poor europe dead last. Hell dosnt japan sometimes just not release stuf there?
  11. does the spray even work? ill stick with my old spice stick .
  12. probably cause everyone hated them after the whole taking over everything football crap. I dont even like american football... but still that is just a load of crap.
  13. and the brittish say americans sound stupid
  14. Im very social person.. but im more of a one on one kinda guy. I normaly will hand with one person or maybe 2 at a time. Big groups always end up really annoying. Im not much of a party... i think its retarded how people work 40 hours a week and then blow it for a like 4 good hours a weekend. I know how to have fun.. but getting totaly plastered and being a jackass isnt one of them.
  15. man that is a great freakin movie
  16. its cause the book its based on was pure genious. Seriously I remeber soon as I finished it how no way they could make a movie off of it. Well lets just hope they pull it off well.
  17. Everyones probably seen it by now but for those who havent. http://www.engadget.com/entry/1234000293041091/ high res shot http://pictures.xbox-scene.com/4/xbox360/x...rg19iz5ow_b.jpg I personly think it looks pretty good.
  18. Still a Nazi. At least he's one of them happy go lucky Nazis. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> nazi or pope.. who cares he still hates jews.
  19. school near where I live they got ahold of a hitlist that had like 25 or so students on it. It did say they were gona kill them. So the school got shut down for that whole week. Back in highschool I hated those damn bomb threats.. i swear we got them like once a month. Instead of letting us go home they would get cops and bomb sniffing dogs to search the school while the whole school had to sit at the bleachers and fry under the sun. I always thought.. if they really wanted to kill us wouldnt they do a bomb threat and then leave a bomb at the stadium.. cause thats where we always went in one huge group. its not just america anymore... I mean didnt a college student go on a rampage in germany? and then theres that story about the 8 year old girl in japan who sliced her friends neck in school. I mean japan of all places arent they supposed to have low crime? oh and what about that kid that killed his friend and they blamed it on manhunt... that was in europe
  20. yes but these days how long does a third party games stay exclusive. See heres the deal sony say hey ill pay u some money in advance if u do and exclusive for our system to makes us feel good. you scratch my back Ill scratch yours. Then the deal runs out a few months later and namco stabs sony in the back and makes even more money off people who own better systems. Good example is GTA... they would be retarded not to rerelease a game on other systems after the deal is up...
  21. ya either would i... but it would be something different than first person shooters. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yeah atleast u can play doau online
  22. woops double post
  23. im gona go out on a limb here... i think it looks dumb.
  24. why would u save your change for a ps2 to but in late 2005 when the xbox 2 will be out and ps3 will soon be around the corner.. Can u say waste of money? Anyways hopefully SC3 wont be exclusive for ever... if so I wont be touching it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> PS2 exclusive for the remainding months of 2005. Then possibly an aracde and multiplatform release afterwards. Because a bunch(by bunch, I mean alot of people) want it to come out on at the arcade so we can like, get out. Added something about n_v_c somewhere up there. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah it makes since... why not release it out side the ps2 where it can look better. Was SC 2 ever released to arcades? I dont remeber ever hearing about it.
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