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Bluestinger X

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Everything posted by Bluestinger X

  1. I dont know if most of you know who he is.. but id have to say he was one of my favorite comdians. I was shocked to read the news today
  2. ah guess i did kinda ruin that one.. But thats probably cause im not the most active member.. I really wasnt sure if GC was an ass before or what.. He did give me a warning for calling someone retard a few days ago .
  3. so the mystery is who is r type really?
  4. lol knew it would have been better if u just said banned everytime someone replyed to the thread. Cause your comebacks totaly gavee it away.
  5. what the flock? i didnt say that? I SAID THIS IS THE GREATEST APRIL FOOLS JOKE EVER! dont change my damn post ass.
  6. lol this is the lamest thing I've ever heard from gamecop ever.. you guys arent even trying anymore.
  7. I still bet gamecop just got off the toilet.. and yeah i have a girlfriend thanks oh if its not a aprils fools then go ahead and ban me.. maybe it will help with your emotional powertrip problems. BONG!
  8. hmm wonders if GC being an ass is a april fools joke.....
  9. wow apparently people dont take a april fools joke so well. Im sure thats what has started this all.
  10. I got wow a few weeks ago and have been addicted since.. but the thought of playing it offline is dumb. The whole fun factore of the game is the real players. weither it be getting 5 buds to go to a dungeon or playing pvp. The idea of just walking around alone would bore me to death. Now if there was a way to make a server that you and your local friends could connect to that would be cool .. since it would be free lol.
  11. i just bought a 256 memory stick for the psp... when i put it in and format it says i have 235 space.. where did my 21 megs go?
  12. ah the ds sold much better on launch... it was sold out for weeks and soon as the next shipment came in it was sold out again. every store ive been to has had atleast 40 psps and no one even is looking at them. sales in units sold the ds has done much better...
  13. ofcourse the psp is the best selling system right now.. it was just released.
  14. i just got lumines.. god i havent been addicted to a puzzle game this much in a long time. I cant wait for mercury to .
  15. ahh give it time im sure someone will find a way to make it regionfree
  16. does kinda suck that the movies have region code.. i was hoping to maybe get some asian horror films and stuff. I could care less about american movies on this thing lol.
  17. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/4387045.stm this article actully says they want sony to stop selling the ps2 as well.
  18. has sony released any sales report for the launch day? im sure nintendo is just sittin back ready to laugh its ass off since they had such a better launch.
  19. im sure if someone made a virus for the psp... but at the moment no. Its not like the psp is running a known os or anything.
  20. the fun lasted like 2 seconds then i realized i was wrong and things have damaticly changed since i last checked the gamecube scene... like i said sorry for the sudden outburst.. just back when i did do gamecube stuff hearing people ask how to burn a gc iso got sooooo annoying. also was my flame that bad.. i just asked if he was a retard.. then stated how things use to be.
  21. serious if u get caught off guard punched really hard in the face.. your reaction is gona be slow. You would probably not even know what happened for a few seconds if hit hard enough. If your still dazed after that.. u probably wont even be able to hit the guy good if at all. Sure if ur a pro boxer u may be prepared for that sorta thing but an every day guy... i dont think so.
  22. u know nintendo was so much more cool about this stuff. All u had to do is call and tell them ur info and they sent u a replacment to make sure it was good then after a few days u could send urs back. Now thats customer service. Sony on the other hand.. u will probably have to send it back a few times to get a good one... so like the first couple weeks u wont even get to enjoy ur psp.
  23. i have 2 dead pixels.. but they are soo small u can barely see them. The only time they are visible is when the screen is completely black. It does kinda make me sad.... wished id get a perfect one lol. question for anyone who knows... is there a way to connect to the net without a wireless router? like say a usb stick or wireless card?
  24. hmm well i charged mine up to 100% then played wipeout pure and did some other stuff such as put video on it and mp3s and stuff. The battery started running out after 4 hours. also i thought the gba sp was like 11+ hours?
  25. ok ok sorry for the flame.. i was around the gcdev scene for a good while and it was pretty much said over and over there was no way of running any disc format unless it was the orginal mini disc by nintendo which I was told isnt dvd format at all. After the chip came out i went and read up again and the gcdevs still gave the same response that the chip could not do anything more then the pso loader but made it easyer to put stuff on the memory. (they pretty much said the only way it would be possible is to somehow attach a normal dvd drive which i still havent seen done) Ive done a search and i still see no info on actully running a dvd or any other disc format on the gamecube. So if you would like to enlighten me please do.
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