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Bluestinger X

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Everything posted by Bluestinger X

  1. lol yeah i mean my gf is thai and i think asian culture is cool.. but that dosnt mean im gona go play one of those japanese dating sims now does it? or play one of those dancing games.
  2. just remeber you said that when someones scooping ur brains off the road with a shovel.
  3. just make sure u have good uper body strength and dont fall in any water.
  4. so morowind is like a perfect example.. i havent played many eastern rpgs with those elements.
  5. lol i love when you see those kids with the huge helmets.. they look so mentaly challanged. Anyways ive seen cool ones as well.. u just gota look.
  6. My gf is thai so yes ive had it. Its very yummy but u gota be expecting something different. Not many people react well to the peanut taste but man soon as ur use to it you will want more. Ive become very addicated to thai food.. luckly my gf helps with that . I have to say Red Curry is my fav at the moment.. ooh specialy if its got lots of spices in it. I swear my face will turn red its so hot but i cant stop eating it.
  7. ive always kinda wondered what makes a rpg a rpg. I remeber i asked someone and he said you played the role of someone.. i was like uhhh in every game dont u play the role of someone? anyways so how the hell do games like zelda and fable and so on become considered rpgs when they are pretty much just hack and slash adventure games?
  8. the idea is stupid.. ofcourse population would get to high and such. The only people who would be able to do this would be extremely rich.. most likely world leaders and such and that would be hell.. some damn world leader living forever... they live long enough as it is lol. so anyways why even tease the thought? you will never be able to use it.
  9. hmm never knew 991 called the cops..
  10. only xport emulators support this feature
  11. i havent heard anyone have this problem what so ever.. but atleast ms being on the safe side. I like halo2 for multiplayer.. sure ill admit the single player sucks. But atleast its more fun then playing counter strike.. god.
  12. lol drake is the reason america has such a bad economy now.
  13. dude n64+goldeneye and 4 friends was the benchmark for fun. Sure u may need a big tv but serious theres nothing more fun then get you and 3 buds all on the couch yelling at each other over whoes owning who. Theres plenty of great 4 player games on the xbox... and the ngc who cares if its not "adult" mario kart owns all.
  14. yes so did the.. uh snes. What im saying is after the n64 you think it would be like a law that a system must have 4 ports.. but sony clearly figures it can make an extra buck by making u buy an adapter. Also how many games use it? Atleast the xbox and ngc take adavantage of 4 player split screen and make it fun as hell to.
  15. lol what the hell was sony thinking when they only had 2 controler ports..on the ps2.. bunch of dumbasses...
  16. I remeber back in arizona me and some friends were driving down this dirt road in the middle of the night.. there was these weird birds sitting beside the road.. u could barely see them sept when the headlights hit there eyes u would see them glowing.. it was kinda creepy. Anyways everytime we passed one they kept jumping right out in front of the car.. one finaly jump up and hit my friend in the head through his window.. it flapped around the inside of the car untill it broke its neck.. We looked at it. It was like an owl but smaller.. had huge eyes though.
  17. wasnt there some movie that came out in the 80s and it showed monkeys and elphants and other animals eating rotten mangos and getting drunk? i remeber seeing it as a kid it was so damn funny.. some big as elephants stumbeling around. I think it was called animals are beautifal people.
  18. pfft its football who cares!?!? goo bears!
  19. DA BEARS!
  20. we should go back to how it was in the early ninties.. barrowing friends taps and recording them on another tape. Nothing has changed things have just got easyer...
  21. that wont happens since normal dvds cant hold enough data for high def.. Which is what everyone wants. So far people are buying high def tvs and they can watch hi def channels but they cant watch movies that way. So they need a new disc that can hold the data and since normal dvds only hold around 9 gig at the most dvd will soon die. To tell u the truth i was kinda hoping the cd , dvd generation would die althogether.. How long does a Normal cd/dvd last if used regulary... not very damn long. The things are just to sesitive. Hell i had a dvd player not to long ago went haywire and wouldnt give me my disk back. When i finaly got it open the dvd player had burned a hole through the disk. Ive actully had a few cd players as do that as well. Lets find a new media type.
  22. yeah but for the past few months the code name has been xenon which wasnt bad. The name even showed up on a ms site but was quickly taken down. its not like ps3 is a creative name.. whats next ps4 then ps5 your grandkids will be playing ps35
  23. ah i doubt the rewrite time is very fast..
  24. it is a little late.. i mean seems like most companys have already gone for bluray
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