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  1. i know some french. not so much talking/writing, but i understand it fine.
  2. yeah, emuforums... i have no idea about that forum.. i don't post there... heh heh
  3. i played it. i found it to be a waste of time, as it tried to recreate the great diablo2 experience in a MMORPG world. sure, it gave the world, but theres no reason to party with others, so it just ends up being a single player game online. aside from that, its boring in the fact that the monsters never drop anything good, and that its always the same monster that drop that crap that you fight for 10 levels at a time. but, as usual, thats just my opinion.
  4. fantastic. i wasn't even ready to suggest the quote option yet.
  5. meh, i rather just go after good ol classic coke. or maybe some minute maid, and possibly some canada dry. but MD, isn't really my thing.
  6. ah, thanks. it'll make my life that much lazyer. and that, is always a good thing.
  7. i just use AIM, thats what my friends use, and thats who i'm talking to so, the choice is quite simple.
  8. hey, whats that weird looking thing with keys on it and the little box thing with buttons? what you input stuff with that? can't you just use your mind?
  9. yeah, seriously. if we start naming all the good games, it'll never end. narrow it down to some genre.
  10. what are ants doing in little girls anyways? do lungs taste good or something?
  11. it seems to... heh
  12. hmmm... twin towers part 2?
  13. whoa, Your Personal Day of Death is... Monday, May 30, 2033 that'd make me...48? ouch.
  14. is there any chance you guys could add a little quick post box in threads, instead of actually having to click on reply? i'll assume you know what i'm talking about, and not explain it any deeper. that way i'll save myself from forming sentences that make sense while trying to explain... or something.
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