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Everything posted by mrlipring

  1. yeah, they must've got a load of donations. It's pretty fast, yeah, i can max out my 1mbit, so i'm happy.
  2. nah, they were down for a week or so, just came back on sometime in the last few days.
  3. the new 5900 beats all the radeons at the mo. It'll be interesting to see how both parties tweak the drivers. I'd have to go geforce i think, i don't like ati at all. Having said that, i have an nforce2 motherboard, and nvidia are pissing me right off...
  4. Nvidia if you want compatibility. ATI if you want the edge speedwise.
  5. neopolitan? (sp?) my favourite there is a good chocolate ice cream, but tbh i'll eat any flavour, as long as it's quality stuff.
  6. hehehe i wouldn't worry, i do stuff like that all the time. i'm TERRIBLE for, when i'm typing, getting really easily distr
  7. first, morpheus and kazaa are basically the same thing... I use bittorrent, direct connect, soulseek and overnet. when i use fs apps, which ain't all that often. i'm a purist, i prefer ftp.
  8. all the ones mentioned, and terrahawks, telebugs and bananaman.
  9. silly, trendy and trashy were the words used. i know plenty of people with and without tattoos, and i can say that being tatooed has nothing to do with being trashy etc. i'd say the problem was with silly, trendy, and trashy people, not those with tattoos, eh?
  10. sonic was rings, not coins. and i'd be crash bandicoot, so i could commit suicide, and do the whole world a favour.
  11. people that don't suit tattoos shouldn't get them. some girls suit them, some don't. maybe the girls you see with them don't suit 'em. either way, if you don't like them, don't look at them. if you're so superficial, good luck finding someone.
  12. Me, my girlfriend and out kitten. There are very few people i could live with without wanting to (or trying to) kill them. Probably works both ways too.
  13. ok, fair enough... did that edit autimagically or did a mod edit it? it was www.illf*ckinghostit.com with the obvious letter in place of the asterisk. I really hope it wasn't a mod, because they're pretty stupid if it was. the site's an excellent host... no ads, php support... excellent host. censorship sucks ass.
  14. you could always sign up with www.illflockinghostit.com
  15. Not sure... 6-button pad for my md? (mmm, streetfighter...) competition pro 9000 or the bug for my amiga? Multiface for my speccy +3 to put tape games on disc? dunno... when i finally buy maracas for SDA i'll say that
  16. it's true, yeah, these guys have been aboe to read the gc discs and make images off them. they're useless for anything but learning about gc games atm, because the gc ain't been chipped, but it's a matter of time now
  17. hehehe i still play it! dodging the keys the bosses drop so you can get more money, the hidden doors... such an excellent game.
  18. awww, monster land was my favourite. hope they do that next.
  19. i think the simpsons is getting better and better, personally.
  20. i wouldn't make an iso if i could help it. use clonecd, and if you havea compatible cdrw drive, it'll make a perfect backup, otherwise you'll need to download a crack. even then, if your drive isn't capable, clonecd will let you emulate the cd protection, and run it without a crack, i believe. i don't know, because i have a lite-on drive, and they do all protections afaik. asus ones are good too.
  21. i think the only answer can be you - freedom of choice, the do-er is responsible, and nobody else.
  22. futurama is amazingly good, but simpsons edges it.
  23. you'll need dx8 at least. what's the rest of your system like? it runs fine on my: asus a7n8x-deluxe athlon xp1700+ (stock speed 1466mhz) @ 11.5*185 = 2127mhz 256mb corsair xms pc3200 cas2 gainward ti4200 golden sample 650xp 128mb
  24. i was gonna buy samba de amigo maracas from there, but the shipping's as much as the controllers!
  25. shipping to the uk from lik-sang is SILLY money. Play.com sell ps convertors, and you can really easily make an xbox one.
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