Don't suppose you'd care to elaborate on this? I know the NES isn't exactly a complicated piece of kit when it comes to sound, but it doesn't output Midi. It functions on pulse/triangle waves, noise and D-PCM signals. P.S. Why not try borrowing the audio system source from FakeNES? It's in C, and easily (Relatively speaking) converted to VB (Hell there are online tools that will do it for you, at least in VB.NET) The original programmer of BasicNES, which olafnes is based upon, used a MIDI engine to output sound. Don't ask me why, I didn't do it, haha. I'm not very worried about working on my NES emulator these days -- I dropped the project, pretty much, when I found the source code for vbSMS. By the way, there is now full Game Gear support -- the palette is fixed. The sound is also getting better, it may not be perfect on the first new release, but it's in the works. EDIT Screenshot for those who like those. A big thanks to Parasyte for the palette help too.