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Itachi's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. yay ima turn into an anime char ill be itachi that way im very powerful and i will kick all ur a$$es
  2. never seen initial D but ill try it
  3. nah i dont like it
  4. woah dude u like sasuke too much well yea i dunt really like prince of tennis....
  5. i read it and it was pretty lame but ive never seen it
  6. o ok i get it
  7. i would think Naruto would be one too since your avatar is ITACHI
  8. nooo i saw ninja scroll undubbed and its really good,... but a little too nudy
  9. StarWARZ LOTR pissed me off i mean how the hell can midgets walk anywhere bare foot OMG and put out fires with their feet BAREFOOT
  10. they also cant say fu** or Sh!t or anything like that but meh dont like stop watching the simpsons.....
  11. ok thanx you guys!Dan and matt ill c u guys at school
  12. Hey wats the chat room on MirC????
  13. i dunno i really like CS 1.5 but i have played steam and its ok but i like 1.5 better...
  14. umm yea dubbed anime's suck... but yea F-Zero its ok i guess yea talk about it...
  15. yugio sux in the englished dubbed version, but the japanese original is kinda cool, u'd never suspect that the little innocent looking yugi has actually killed a sh!t load of people
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