yugio sux in the englished dubbed version, but the japanese original is kinda cool, u'd never suspect that the little innocent looking yugi has actually killed a sh!t load of people
I mean its fine if ya dont wanna watch it but plz dont say anything bad about it if ya've never seen it..... ok ill try that samurai chapoloo or w/e its called but first i need a bigger hard drive or a new comp lol....
I have no clue what u guys have againts naruto it has such a good good story..u should at least give it a try... o well yea FLCL is weird but funny... umm yea try it at least till u see Itachi hes so EVIL its cool ive tried all the animes you've thrown at me ur turn
its about some dude who ,his girlfriend moves away when they are small and as shes beeing driven away she tells him "we will meet in Tokyo University" the top university so hes trying to find her but i havent seen the ending. YEA HELLSING ROX its so freaken cool... i love it
Yeah ive some Love Hina eppy's also has anyone ever seen fruits bastket thats the anime im watching also Naruto but naruto is evry thursday so i watch stuff in between.....
yea i really like cowboy bebop too my fav episode is Session #17 mushroom samba its really wacky funny i like it alot good night all im going to sleep i got skool tomorrow...
Yep Naruto rocks also rurouni kenshin is good too i liked it.... umm common people talk about the anime,your fav episode ur fav part ur fav char put pics (no hentai) common