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  1. Some of the members over there are trying to muster up some cash to buy the PCB and have it dumped for near future emulation. Here is the link if anyone is interested http://shmups.system11.org/viewtopic.php?t...&highlight=
  2. Just picked this up and it seems SNK coded there own emu for 1,2,X,3. Does anyone know if 4 and 5 are emulated, or are they ports?. I have 4 and 5 collection but thougt they were ports, and my Jap Mslug 3 seems like a port (who knows) I cant imagine them coding a Atomiswave emu for 6 though.
  3. Hi, i was just playing ESP Ra.De. and when using 480p, and software filter high quality2x or simple 4x, the game comes to a crawl(massive slowdown) i usually use simple 2x and thats fine, though i did not try the rest. Also hardware is set to linear, all other settings are default
  4. happy hunting!
  5. Any chance on an update Prican or Thraxen?
  6. Good news team xxx is back, thank the heavens Gogo(at least i think) is back on the job. New surreal and KIXXX
  7. Prican thats what i have now, yours says 19 missing and mine 27, but that just the 8 dummy roms
  8. The Rc report i have above is the most complete set as of now i think, only two games are not playable yet and the Sf games are just a dat error and should run fine from what Prican says but i have not tried it yet
  9. You are missing 27 roms (4 games) of 12890 known FBA-XXX Pro roms (672 games) jgokushi (all roms) majjx.03 (00000000) majj.03 (4614a3b2) maj-simm.01c (ba0fe27b) maj-simm.01d (2cd141bf) maj-simm.01a (e29e4c26) maj-simm.01b (7f68b88a) maj-simm.03c (3aaeb90b) maj-simm.03d (97894cea) maj-simm.03a (ec737d9d) maj-simm.03b (c23b6f22) maj.01 (1fe8c213) maj-simm.05a (4cb79672) maj-simm.05b (e5f2e14a) ms5pcb 268-p1r.bin (fc4e18b6) 268-p2r.bin (216b559a) 268-c1.bin (00000000) 268-c2.bin (00000000) 268-c3.bin (00000000) 268-c4.bin (00000000) 268-bios.bin (00000000) ssf2tb ssfex.5t (3ae42ff3) ssfex.7t (4d51f760) ssf2tbr1 ssfex.3t (00000000) ssfex.4t (00000000) ssfex.5t (3ae42ff3) ssfex.6t (00000000) ssfex.7t (4d51f760) Prican i picked up another update in the usual places and just over wrote my exisiting roms and cleaned up some names. This is my new report and i think this is complete givin that one rom is not available and ms5 is not complete and the other two are a dat error. Is you 1.12 update correct? because the on i grabbed has more update roms in the pack
  10. all i did is put your update roms in my set and overwite the old ones, then fixed the set and this is what have. did i do something wrong? I did have a complete set except for jgokushi since 1.10
  11. You are missing 51 roms (12 games) of 12890 known FBA-XXX Pro roms (672 games) jgokushi (all roms) majjx.03 (00000000) majj.03 (4614a3b2) maj-simm.01c (ba0fe27b) maj-simm.01d (2cd141bf) maj-simm.01a (e29e4c26) maj-simm.01b (7f68b88a) maj-simm.03c (3aaeb90b) maj-simm.03d (97894cea) maj-simm.03a (ec737d9d) maj-simm.03b (c23b6f22) maj.01 (1fe8c213) maj-simm.05a (4cb79672) maj-simm.05b (e5f2e14a) ms5pcb 268-p1r.bin (fc4e18b6) 268-p2r.bin (216b559a) pnyaa 267-ep1.bin (112fe2c0) 267-c2.bin (4edfa720) 267-m1_decrypted.bin (d58eaa8e) 267-m1.bin (c7853ccd) 267-v1.bin (e2e8e917) pnyaad samsho5 270-p1.bin (4a2a09e6) 270-p2.bin (e0c74c85) 270-c1.bin (14ffffac) 270-c2.bin (401f7299) 270-c3.bin (838f0260) 270-c4.bin (041560a5) 270-c5.bin (bd30b52d) 270-c6.bin (86a69c70) 270-c7.bin (d28fbc3c) 270-c8.bin (02c530a6) 270-m1.bin (49c9901a) 270-v1.bin (62e434eb) 270-v2.bin (180f3c9a) samsho5d samsho5h ssf2tb ssfex.5t (3ae42ff3) ssfex.7t (4d51f760) ssf2tbr1 ssfex.5t (3ae42ff3) ssfex.7t (4d51f760) svc 269-p1.bin (38e2005e) 269-p2.bin (6d13797c) 269-c1r.bin (887b4068) 269-c2r.bin (4e8903e4) 269-c3r.bin (7d9c55b0) 269-c4r.bin (8acb5bb6) 269-c5r.bin (097a4157) 269-c6r.bin (e19df344) 269-c7r.bin (d8f0340b) 269-c8r.bin (2570b71b) svcd svcplus svc-p1p.bin (a194d842) svc-p2p.bin (50c0e2b7) svc-p3p.bin (58cdc293) svc-s1p.bin (73344711) Prican this is what i have after your update, since 1.10 i had everything except jgokushi. Is this correct ?
  12. Kawa-x is an excellent emulator to this day, but now that Fbaxxx has been improved greatly it is my choice for neo geo. The biggest draw for me is the cpu overclock in fbaxxx, it works out alot of slowdowns on some of those neo games, but i will admit Kawa has good speed considering its age. Kawa x also has very good sound emulation, untill not very long ago that was no the case with fbaxxx. All in all both are very good coded emu's. As far as mame, its got variety, but cannot match the cps1-2 and neo emulation of these cpu specific emu's. Check out Mr.X thread and hopefully Thraxen is still hosting that patch, alot of other games are supported in it to(progear, pnya,ect.) I can dig it up if not.
  13. Off topic- Prican or anyone else have bandwidth limitations with Giganews for active accounts? I went from 1.5mbps to less than half 600kbps thats BS, i sent them a message regaarding this do to other complaints.
  14. +T+ thanks for looking into the controller lag issue, i trust you judgment, Thanks Prican are you gonna do an update soon on news groups?
  15. the d pad, i think it would be almost impossible to tell with the analog, unless the slightest movement had result. There is always a little play with sticks. but if you can tighten up the stick that would be great to
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