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Everything posted by NightMareX

  1. but is there no way to bypass it???or anything ?
  2. wow , i just played KOF98 UM, its AWOOSOME !! , the new chars are another ff team : terry,joe,andy another aof team : ryo, yuri,robert another kof97 special team: mary,billy,yamazaki boss team =) : rugal,orochi,goenitz other ver chars : kyo, mai, king ,geese riot of blood char: orochi iori,orochi leona they even modified some moves and combos ENJOY!!!
  3. anyone know how a i can play my KOF98UM online on the PS2 ? i got : - PS2 slim (pal) [with Ethernet adapter] -KOF98UM original copy -a Network Cd (for setting the DNS etc..) I cant READ the MANUAL of the game !!!!!,cause its in Japanese !! , i tried to ask my friends they dont know i checked the internet , nothing except that everybody talking about games for NTSC and Europe(which have online play) i also couldnt find any japanese site that explain anything about playing jap games online i have been searching for 7 months , and i find nothing . i also tried to trail and error method but no use if anyone can transalate the options and the texts in the NETwork Match Mode (all the screens which comes after you enter this mode) please i am so desperate , i got loooong list of Jap Fighting games to play online on ps2 thanks , and sorry for writting (chatting) to much
  4. -so which one u prefer less complicated FBA or kawaka or Nebula , and which version of it ? -what do u mean by you could compile your own version of FBA. ?
  5. well i use other consoles emulaters and PC games on it for higher and better perfomance
  6. other games are working fine as well
  7. but how do i know which one to rename it to (example: from bin to rom or rom to bin) i dont know what type of format it reconises
  8. i am not requsting roms , how you play NRX roms on FBA emulater , most of NRX roms arent reconizebled in FBA
  9. no i didint changed the setting of my VGA card i tried to put the Frame to 0 , and it works fine with kof2002
  10. the problem is still there
  11. i tried other emulaters like FBA and Kawaka and it works fine , but i like NeoRageX cause most of my Roms works fine with it my systems : Intel Pentium 4 (3.4) VGA card - Gforce 6200 128mb DDR on board / supporting 256MB 1GB of ram emulater settinges : frame skip is (auto) anything else is normal(defult settings)
  12. 1) Garou : mark of the wolfes 2) kof 99 3) samurai showdown 5 4) Snk Vs Capcom : Chaos 5) Metal slug 4
  13. i having some problems with NeoRageX emulater on my Pc when i play games like kof 2002 , on the fighting screen , when i move my character from left to right the the pictures chops in the middle and my characters apears on the end of the right side and it happens with every Game i have , i dont think that there is any propblems with my roms , how can fix this ? help please
  14. is there anyway to play ps1 backups on ps2 and my ps2 is moded (universel) i tryed alchol120% and nero6 for burning cd images
  15. ---> Adema - shatterred (....i shattered into pieces in this... ) , next ----> Adema-trust
  16. its a kof2002 hack , not a kof2001 hack
  17. i dont know it myself if it was universal ,how do i know if it is universal or not ?
  18. what the f..k ? it said i already voted.... edit : i will try again later...maybe
  19. i havent played any zelda games except wind waker.. i also played resident evil 1 , 2 , 3 , code veronica X and 4.. but chosing which series is better? is though question... well in my opinion i would say both series are great to me and there are at my top games list ... anyway i voted for resident evil (sorry 4 zelda fans)
  20. you mean if there is a modchip then yes i have it ps2
  21. i burned my xenogears.img on cd and it worked on my PSone (mini ps1 ) ,i also tryed it by using ps2 but didnt work (it makes some sounds when trying to load it) , is there anyway to play it on ps2?
  22. ok , but i will try Alcohol 120% later... cause i dont have it right now... anyway thanks and have nice day
  23. but , did it worked fine with you ? like if it wasnt getting any problems?
  24. i got a Xenogears(cd1).img and when tryed to burn it on a cd using nero6, it gave me error messege , and then i checked the file size and it was 713mb (wtf) and my freind told that there is a burning software which overburns cds and it works fine (i didnt bother at that time, but i do now) but i heard from other fourms that overburning isnt good ,if any1 knows how to burn this game on Cd(700mb) ? or tryed to burn it by overburning software (i dont remmber the name)?
  25. hi guys .. i got a problem with my WinMugen when i used the EVE screen pack in the arcade mode after i chose the char then VS screen apears after that it gave me error messege and it was like this...... ( Assert failure in p make.c line 1907) ... i dont know what this means and how to fix it , please help me
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