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Everything posted by NightMareX

  1. it is a very cool and enjoyable game to me the fact that it looks better in 3D ( i like it in 2D as well )
  2. i just dont want any of my burend CDs going wasted (Failed burning) i already lost above 5 CDs using Iso Buster to extract and then Nero5 to BURN!! - do i need to extract the ISO using ISO Buster or just burn it (ISO) using Alchol ? and does the CD (burned) is working 100% when playing on Ps1 or it gots some problems in the middle of a game frezzes or screen GFx problems ?
  3. okay , but do you know any guied for burning it ?
  4. can anyone explain to me , how to burn ISO for PSX1 by using Alchol 120% or PM me with a link of walkthrough of it ? Thanks in advance!!!
  5. i hope so , and also the girl with the red ribbon on her head ( breakers)
  6. i voted for both , cause there are the best
  7. okay....Affirmative KyokugenKiss ---> sorry for the off topic Back on topic now.
  8. okay (if it wont break the rules)...
  9. ok i will just be more carefull ,from now on if they didnt band me.. *sigh*
  10. well. i didnt know if it is a ips or a rom link in the 1st place (read what i said in the brackets),and when i saw that my link name was changed... i thought then that i had some error or something..and at that same moment i didnt read anything below the link....and i really didnt mean to break any rules... anyway sorry...*Sigh*
  11. sorry , i didnt know, forgive me !! pleasesss
  12. something about KOF2K4se check out this site there some kof2k4se file parts DL and check it out (i dont know if there are roms or ips patch) just tell me what it is ? oh yeah the site is not in english, but it is not hard to find it second time this LINK Removed Moderator's Edit: the site hosts rom images, linking to it is against the rules. DO NOT POST ROM LINKS !
  13. ok thanks... Over and Out!!! ...BANG!!
  14. which mame exactly ??
  15. i dont know if it is an old news.... anyone knows anything about this game... like in which console and where do you get? i found it in this site , but it is in other Language... which i cant read... DAHH!! http://www.neo-arcadia.com/tests/daraku/daraku.php here are some images of it.... any info will be helpfull ...BANG!!! over and out
  16. is this the full roms files ? and what the.ips for ?
  17. i really dont know anything about K'Dash ,but i hope he enjoys with his vacation , BTW when he is coming back ? anyone knows ?
  18. thanks darkmage479 for the kawaks1[1].46p
  19. I don't know idf this is what you are looking for (not the boss patch), but: http://www.geocities.com/ss5_fixes/ <{POST_SNAPBACK}> thanks for the link, now i only need the boss patch
  20. i made a combo with IORI which exceeds 51 hit !! i have to say it , but combos in KOF:MI are crappy but it is still a very enjoying game to me
  21. Oh i SEE , hmm
  22. anyone have a screen shot for the PS2 Hard Drive ? and what is the use of it ? (other than puting emulater&rom)
  23. it didnt came here too
  24. i found some screen shots for the MGS3 i hope it will be usefull here if anyone wants more screen shots for this game PM this game ROCKs!!
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