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Static X

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Everything posted by Static X

  1. FBA-XXX by far.
  2. No, there isn't a "boot disc" for xbox. You have to either install a modchip or TSOP flash the box. If you have no clue how to do either, you need to check xbox-scene.com and read some tutorials. An evox installer disc isn't going to do anything until your xbox is modded.
  3. Gotcha. Ultimarc has some nice hybrid sanwa stuff. Seimetsu joysticks are pretty much the same as sanwa, but some have a longer shaft so they can be top mounted. In the pic, yours was bottom mounted so I didn't know if you had routed out the wood or had a seimetsu with longer shaft for bottom mounting.
  4. You and me both. JAP style sticks are blazing fast. It's a noticeable difference between them and US joysticks in my opinion. The top ball grip is a minor thing to get over if you aren't used to it.
  5. Go to happcontrols.com > PC arcade > Joysticks. You would be talking about the competition joystick. They are 8 way sticks and ultra quiet. Probably the best sticks on the US market.
  6. Hey legztec, is that a seimetsu joystick in your first pic? If so, where did you get it? Thanks.
  7. What kind of PCB does it have, or have you not got the controller to gut? With a sony dual shock pcb, all the cheap 10 dollar Nyko PS>gc & xbox connectors work flawless with no button lag. I would tell you to use a ps1 dual shock controller regardless because of the ease to work with. They have huge solder points and can be done with ribbon hack without having to bother with the minor soldering at all. You can pick em up at gamestop for under 10 bucks and get a ps>xbox conver for just a few dollars more. If you don't want to solder, you can use this: http://home.comcast.net/~spiffyshoes/DualShockHack/
  8. X-arcade the best on the market? I don't know about all that. There is a reason that they sell 2 joysticks and 20 buttons for 20 dollars. The parts are cheaply made and the buttons are slightly bigger than the standard arcade button. You can't change X-arcade buttons into a custom joystick without some extra work. Lastly, the button placement is kinda dumb with 2 buttons directly under your Street Fighter layout. People get ripped on stuff like this because they are overhyped. A few years ago it was the Mas pro stick. Now the hype has moved to X-arcade. I have always been happier with something that is made to my specifications and not somebody else's idea of what we should use. You don't get that freedom in buying mass produced joysticks. Custom 4 LIFE!
  9. Check out gumby's auctions on ebay. This guy ships fast and is really good on prices. Not to mention he always seems to have every color convex button ready for bulk order even when the official happ site doesn't. Used him quite a few times and never had bad dealings. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...6137926701&rd=1
  10. Pelican Real Arcade sticks aren't that bad. You can get a really nice case for 40 bucks and a good JAP style layout. Somewhere down the line though, I would still replace the buttons with Happ competition buttons. The actual joystick isn't that bad, but the buttons feel really cheap. Still a really good price for 40 bucks if you can cope with not having arcade perfect stuff.
  11. The Hori Real Arcade sticks have the screw on tops so you could order a bat style handle if that's what you prefer. I would assume these are probably the same since most of their new joysticks seem to use this. Or you could always just mod an existing joystick with some cheap X-arcade parts.
  12. If you are going to get an aftermarket stick, just stick with Hori stuff. They use real Sanwa arcade parts which have a quicker throw and the joysticks have faster trigger times than the traditional US joysticks. Cosmo is pretty much like Nuby as their joysticks have crap parts. I have never played on a single good Nuby controller/joystick, so I am not too hyped to try the SF style joystick. It simply boils down to preference, but Hori sticks are always good arcade quality.
  13. Thanks Prican25 for the heads up. After a little searching, I found everything I needed. Thanks man. I was unfamiliar with PAR files and after a little reading and patching, I got everything working perfect. Thanks again to everybody for the help.
  14. Thanks Shasta for all your work on the BAED series. I have now got all 3 disc off of newsgroups but am having problems getting the FBA-XXX disc from BAED3 to run. It's showing that my last 2 rar files are incomplete. I am still really new to newsgroups so does anybody know how to fix this?
  15. Hey guys, new to this forum and will be new to newsgroups starting this week. Quick question regarding the BAED. All my friends said to use newshosting.com because they are a top notch usenet service. When I went to their site to see what groups they supported, I didn't see the alt.binaries.cd.image.xbox group. Is that a problem or is the BAED floating around on different groups. Sorry if this is a dumb question but I searched and couldn't find an answer. Thanks in advance.
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