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Everything posted by Edgecution

  1. Hi! My Name is Jesper Mclure. You may remember me from such topics as "OMG! LOL! ROFLMAO! - I have no idea what i'm doing" and "How to piss off all members with a simple Kof2003-Question".
  2. Pinball rules. Everyone who disagrees lacks of patience, skills and dexterity. . . . Or just isn't that dumb to waste all his money for punching an iron ball around. No, to be serious, i really think that pinball is just great. You have to very patient to learn how to controll the whole table, but after you find out some tricks and you get better and better, its great fun. I don't know many coins i just tossed into the Indiana Jones oder Attack from Mars-Flipper.
  3. @Agozer Good Idea, generally. Problem is - my PC is currently broken, so i am only able to use the one of my dad, which isn't that fast. The funny thing is that Kawaks runs on Top Speed (except the CPS2 & CPS1-Roms, which seem to need more Processorpower), while Nebula runs very sluggish. @Xeon Okay, thanks. So i'll look for another romfile to get the valid p-roms. Thanks for your help and your patience. I don't know many boards where i wouldn't have been flamed for my total lack of experience
  4. Okay, this is getting strange. I finally renamed all CRC's in the dat-file. I looked at them all about 5 times and they're matching perfectly with the the files contained in die kof2003.zip. Problem is - still no change. ARGH.
  5. Well, that happened to *ALL* of us
  6. Won't work. Just deleted the file and tried it again, no changes. This is my file romfile... EDIT: OMG...I'm so sorry! Now i see that the CRCs are not identically. Sorry...i'm such a dumbass
  7. No further ideas?
  8. There are several options, but the usual test menu-thingies. Dot cross Hatch -> Colortest -> I/O-Check -> Sound Test -> Memory Card Test -> Backup Clear -> Calendar/Clock
  9. @L.S.D Thanks Nice People's Elbow-GIF, anyway @Agozer Already tried that, same problem anyway. Other ideas?
  10. Yay, changing Neo into capital letters did the trick. It finally appears in the romlist. So i loaded the rom...and just got a testscreen. ARGH....What's the problem now? Is the Rom corrupt?
  11. Yep, i did. This is my Entry in the ASR.dat. The Game doesn't appear in the romlist. It only does if i use the other romdat for the fully decrypted version, which I don't have.
  12. Thank you so much! It all works now perfectly - thanks for your quick answers. So, i downloaded KOF2003 today and then i looked for the dat-config as usual. On the first page of the thread there's a dat-file, which fits perfectly on the romset i got (two p1-files, all the crc's are right). But there's one problem - This [system]-Part is missing. There's one second dat-config on the second page of the thread but using that one won't help. I also tried to copy the [system]-Part of the Second dat-file to the first one, but that won't change a thing. Any ideas? Thanks.
  13. Hi! I just read a tons of threads here, but i'm a complete newbie in Neo Geo-Emulating. There was a time when i was kind of "in it", but that was 1-2 years ago. So i'm having a few problems here. I want to play Metal Slug 5 and i've got the Kawaks 1.45 + Loader. Romsize is about 94 MB. While Metal Slug 4 just plays fine, he wont even find the Rom of mslug5. I have no clue what i could do about that! Same problem for King of Fighters 2001. My Kawaks 1.50 just won't find it! The roms are all named like 2k1_c1.rom 2k1_c2.rom and that seems to be wrong, but renaming won't fix the problem too. Same Problem for King of Fighters 2002. Do I have just wrong romsets or what's going on? So, i would really appreciate if you could help me. Please excuse me if my english isn't that good - it's not my native language.
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