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Everything posted by suija

  1. Well it doesn't work on nrx yet nor kawaks nor nebula.u'll have to wait until someone release it.
  2. Must say the game rawks... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hell yeah it rocks!!! by the way it is awesome if u play it with extra buttons(A+;(C+D);(A+B+C+D)...it's easier for performing the moves James rocks Thank u very much!!!
  3. So,there isn't any cheats for samsh5sp on clone mame?
  4. thanks for mention it... edit: i read the file and it say that i can add cheat file to it..but it doesnt show how..how do you do it...thanks <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hi people does anyone has a cheat file for clone mame?or mame with a+b+c ,c+d a+b.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> sorry i mean cheat for samsh5sp on clone mame
  5. thanks for mention it... edit: i read the file and it say that i can add cheat file to it..but it doesnt show how..how do you do it...thanks <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hi people does anyone has a cheat file for clone mame?or mame with a+b+c ,c+d a+b....
  6. how can i find the missing roms when nobody wants to help me?
  7. hi Daeval,what u mean?
  8. hi again,i want to ask u for a favor.i've found in my pc a zip file of samsh5sp and it looks like like i have all of the C roms,(272-c1...272-c8) i have these roms,but i need the other roms (272-p1,272-p2,272-m1,272-m1d,272-v1,272-v2,272-v1d).could u please help me?
  9. Thank u for the information.that means the game is full and it's ready to be played and it has no more major bugs?
  10. Hi to everyone,i have samsh5sp zip but the sound is very bad it's very buggy.it's stolen from samsho5.does anybody has the correct sound roms?
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