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Everything posted by Lucandrake

  1. Lucandrake


    So what's the status Will? It's been over a month, I'd imagine you to be a Terminator by now .
  2. I relapse like a bitch when it comes to games. Thankfully I've learned to let go of them over the years to the point where it doesn't effect me as much as they used too. Yesterday I went out for a walk for the first time in months, it was rigorous! When I came back my shoulders where hurting, from a walk! I know it's not something to be proud of, but I felt alive, I felt human, and here in reality. Instead of still in a fucking imaginary world where the only pain I feel is the pain of loneliness. I'm not saying I feel lonely on this board, hell this board has helped me so much through out the years , I only hope it continues (and GC as well) to push forward through all the hard times (of inactivity) to a point of normal settlement. Switch Up: The Deer Hunter - The Procession So yea, I took Human Anatomy this semester, I can already tell you I'm scared too shit. I don't know how to study, people tell me "open a book", I've always lived with a "click or quick" attitude towards knowledge. This isn't clicking for me, at all, and I do have to partly blame my attitude towards it (as in not trying), but the fear isn't helping at all. My other classes are general credits, although for Humanities I'm going to write a paper on Vivaldi and the Four Seasons. Specifically Summer, my favorite of the four so that's a bonus. Switch Up: Eminem - Beautiful I know I'm disappointed with his new album, extremely disappointed. But this one song is a hit, I dare anyone to listen to it and call it trash. It's message is some shit we all need in our lives plenty, even the smiley types that seem to be perfect all the time. O another thing I did yesterday was delete Guild Wars. I think I went a month and a half of it this time. I took it out because my semester started and I still haven't done much study time. Hell I haven't done much of anything since I installed it, just wake-play-eat-shit-bath-sleep-wake-play... If I manage to get somewhere in life where I end up studying the Human Mind I know I'm going to have to devote some of my time to the "MMO Addiction". You don't need years of study to realize that too much of anything is a bad thing, but maybe there is a way of stopping it from occurring inside other people's heads. Or destroying it all together, what if addiction was destroyable by a simple drug? Would it be right to implement that into some of us? Maybe it's because "addiction" exists that we know our limits, or is the exact form of obsession some of us have with things we love. That's an over thought for you right there. Well, I'm gonna go walk again, when I come, I'm going to open my text book, hopefully read instead of falling asleep.
  3. Idk about you guys, but treasure trolls are freaking hawt.
  4. Lol I might get one soon myself, depends on how fast I get my monehs!
  5. Cranked 2. The first one was 10 times better. This however has the same feel to it, though not as intense. Which sucks, it actually ends up stopping sometimes, and the rape scene. Wow, I seriously thought that the first time around was hilarious, but this time it was just so stupid I ended up taking it as an opportunity to take a piss. Give it a watch, it's mad fun, don't take it seriously, there are a ton of "your fucking kidding me" moments. Not saying the first one didn't have them, just the number didn't reach double digits.
  6. You do, but then again it's left up to perspective .
  7. Holy shit it's EM. If you find a good list post it, I'm considering getting one myself .
  8. Have fun moving , if no one else here misses you take comfort in knowing that at least I will .
  9. It feels like rube goldberg machine. It started with the acceptance of the trip, went on towards the drinking, continued on the beach, etc. If just one of those moments was spent "catching" your actions, you would've had an opportunity to get away no problem. Which I feel for you, it's kind of impossible to think past the second bottle of whatever the hell you prefer in your system that brings you down to earth. But hey, you did what you did, the sooner you accept it and let it go the sooner you can move forward. Now you have a moment to "remember" and "catch" yourself with if you ever happen to be in that situation again. So look at it as the step you needed to trip on before reaching the top. You'll get there, we all stumble.
  10. The Room, for the half-something view of it that I gave, was freaking hilarious. I'll never get past that dudes accent, or his appearance of stupidity. It's just not possible to appear that high all the time.
  11. Happy B-day L.S.D! Go get wasted and chillax life getting shorter!
  12. Lol Emsly taking it slow. I always figured you for the explosive fix it all in one day type.
  13. Right here cuh. Whats up? Thoughts and opinions on current status of the manga?
  14. Yea dude definitaly. Unless your Axl, the only games you shouldn't be able to play with your keyboard are fighting games.
  15. If you can bother paying for the Live! service atm, then get the 360. Otherwise just grab the Ps3 since it's really not all that different(minus a few exclusives, and if those exclusives are the reason you DO want one system over another, then grab it for the exclusives!). Edit: Imo, your better off with the Ps3. O, and if you bought a Sony Bravia, Netflex has something setup for those T.V sets similar to that of the X360.
  16. Haha, if more peeps actually want to do this I'm down no problem. But just me and you Emsly dude, you already have enough comedic contribution needed .
  17. The game does have its uses, its advantages. But living it like law is too much (and is even advised against in the little reading I did about it). I think the ultimate purpose of the game is creating a "Scientific Method" of becoming attractive to yourself, so that one day you realize that others CAN see what you see in yourself. If you find people that care about you though, they're going to care about you regardless of the game or not. If you find a chick that's meant to be your "one", she's going to look past everything you consider "unattractive" and even possibly brake some of the rules. That's the way I see, although if I was to speak from experience, I think I'd give far better advice to someone thinking of attractive through force rather than honey, my shit's sour.
  18. Is letting go the answer? Is it the answer to everything? What IS letting go? I have no clue, but this idea of mine that just appeared into my head, this perspective, hopefully is the ultimate one.
  19. Have you ever stuck your dick in a sandwich and then thought to yourself "Crap, I just stuck my dick in a sandwich, I'm sick". That's you right now .
  20. Hope the 1 torrent site down 2 spawn rule stays in effect. But this sucks, if one government can force the reason that these sites are up in the first place to shut them down who's to say that it won't happen to other sites with other governments?
  21. This rap is top notch. It was made by "The Adventures of Duane & Brand0". I can't stop listening to it >.<.
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