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Everything posted by Lucandrake

  1. Knwoing axl, and the way he likes to incest his cuzins, well, according to him, he is crazy enough to do some weird shi t like that
  2. Hey gryph, goodwill and garage sails are also a good idea, tho you might end up getting a old issue of the book there
  3. Next time I play pong with a chick it's going to be strip pong, If I lose a point, I take off whatever you want off, if you loose a point, then I take off whatever I want from your bod
  4. Dude, your freaking gross man, and I have enough marks in my body to prove that womenly nails are equevalent to long sharp knives!
  5. Aww dude thats flocking gross, that's also pretty flocked up, U.S.A: Give me your bombs Enemy:No U.S.A:*Pulls out gaint gay bomb Enemy:Ok*Hands over bombs
  6. Noo! Wtf! Those basterds!! I prefer microsoft then that bullshit! You sons of a bitches! P.S. Game cop take of the censor...
  7. ScarFace - ViceCity (in the main parts of the game) , and 3 is probably based on some secret FBI file about gansta's in new york, o well. I know for a fact San Andreas everything in there (exept the alien stuffs) happened for real.
  8. This story's are weird, gryph pulling off tits, 2 chicks ripping off balls, wtf!? Do all of you have the strength of superman or something?
  9. ok, EA is like going to kill video games, is this company being runned by anti-video gamers in order to destroy my lvery life and soul!!
  10. Wel, pong, its a game were you palddle back and fourth on the screen and fun fun, o well....crapy game to say the least!
  11. Mortal Kombat!! Anyways, gryph are you playing with our heads?!
  12. I like Tetris Worlds, that was the crap!!!!!!! Like turning the things around, extra games it had, and the saving of the blocks was a lifesaver!
  13. Lets all sit down and write a script for a video game of Grand Thef Auto!
  14. I wish someone made a game were it was like the tetris blocks against the pacman man against the pong balls and paddles, it will be very amusing
  15. lol, activities, isn't that your word gryph?
  16. Ok, the codec's didn't work, im going to cry to death here!!!
  17. DIRTY!!!!! Jesus christ this is the weirdest crap I have ever heard of, this desserves the attention of world news!
  18. lol, damn, one time I found a nearly beat down 150 gb hardrive man, $40....my mom did'nt have the money tho! :'(
  19. Thanks, I'll edit this post in a bit showing if it worked or not
  20. O......I thought they were different religions? My bad!!
  21. Well there the ones that offered the 20 , I never asked them for it. just asking were can I get creators so I can make our game, including stages of my school, our houses, our frontyards/backyards, mall, beach, at least one stage for each character, I just need to know how I can make em, because IM dieing to make a game like this!
  22. Dude I have all the RECOMENDED requirments, and the files are like 10-50 mb
  23. Dude ths flocked up!!! Sadamn desserves to be beheaded in front of amrican's as we celebrate by drinking beer and having a nationwide gangbang!
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