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Everything posted by Lucandrake

  1. reaperman posted noodies JKK was trolling left and right and GC posted a picture of himself from 20 years ago at the beach with his friends. Now he's grown a beard and has lost all muscles.
  2. If you want a regular midevil mmorpg then I can supply you with links beyond infinite >.>.
  3. Got back into Guild Wars. Amazing how after 1 year my account still works and has everything in-tact (*cough* p2p mmos *cough*). Also still playing through Platinum, I started the game all over and it blows! >.<, o well.
  4. Every now and again I force myself to do something for 2-3 days. But then stop for 4-5 days before starting again. I hate change.
  5. Sin & Punishment was a disappointment for me . I bought it just because I had Wii points at the time. I can see how back then however it was a big deal. I saw my friend playing Majora's Mask the other day, that sparked some interest for Ocarina of Time (The "Godly" Zelda game -__-), I can never get past the Deku dungeon without being bored out of my mind. The 2D Zelda's where so much better.
  6. My N64 was sold during my teenage years (stupidly). Anyways, I do remember Perfect Dark being the shit.
  7. I'm not a fan of MMORTS, so I wouldn't be in the know . Maybe K'Man.
  8. Congrats on the job! I'd figure the best part would be the free food but you seem a bit worried about it .
  9. I went to Warp Tour yesterday. I was disgusted by some of the bands appearing (IE: Millionares), and even further realized that I'm thrusting myself through the age when media is simply for the stupid (like the generation before me hates nu-metal, I despise pop-punk, it's not even pop-punk it's plain pop). An old friend came back to town after a few months, after dishing out pain back and fourth and reminisced; It ended up being remaining at the "odd" phase where conversations take after everything has been talked to death. Other then that, I work on occasion with my father again, my sis and mother are on a trip for a month so it's just us two here for now (and school starts again when they come back). I'm taking Human Anatomy this semester, Gryph expect some questions coming from me, , hope you have time to do all the things you need to do (I'm rooting for you cuh). Hmm, pretty much all I can state for now... Edit: Seeing Madina Lake was the shit by the way, the best part about the concert, was when my own voice beat their microphone in terms of volume and the entire crowd stared in my direction. It was awesome.
  10. It's been 2 days and the only topics I've seen burst out are emulation based and spam-forum based. What's up dudes! Seriously? Let us converse! Let us discuss! Let us be, 1emu?
  11. Lucandrake


    Thinking about the energetic properties of our creative tools brings me to question the purpose of creating media. Many state it as an expression to self, and that everything stops there. That you are merely stating how you feel with your joy, and wish to let go of everything on your mind. What if it influences the mind in a way that further pauses your ability to move forward? I ask because I'm unable to write anything when a smile is on my face. I'm unable to come up with purpose towards words, unable to create sentences that sound about myself, and unable to express anything (for I feel no need to). Odd because I'm smiling right now, I'm not happy, but I'm content. What if an expression of self is only enabled when ones own depression takes over? I am at my best with my writing whenever I feel pain. My creativity and dreams explode into vividness as if detailing what I desire in life. My sub-conscious is suddenly able to open a pathway between my heart and my brain that allows it to communicate as if it was another person all together (which, would be true have my goals been completed). I can't write at all about bunnies, tree's, their abilities to represent joy, without thinking about all the horrible things that result because of it. Bunnies look cute, but the process of cutting one open so that I may stick it on a barbecue grill is as disgusting as allowing my toilet to fill up without a flush. Tree's enable us to breath, are a part of the life-cycle and do countless other things to creatures allowing them to live. But they are also the reason that shit like insects exist, and are completely uncivilized. They do nothing but invite other-creatures that I simply do not wish to be around, I only ever want to cut them up, roll em up, and sell them to create profit. So at the end of the day, after writing in my journal or on this site, I've released my thoughts and emotions into words. After singing my favorite songs, I have related to said artist and have further shortened the gap between understanding beyond self / others. But what is the purpose? I'm unable to answer that question, but looking into it, I now see the result. If you are to do nothing but dwell on your thoughts, and feel a sense of release after doing anything creative; Then be aware that release itself may simply be dormant and inactive (but present). After writing my depressed emotions, thinking back on the day, I afterwords feel "content" enough to forget about it for those moments to come. But I am not over it, I'm not past it, and not done with it. It's like ignoring the little voice in your head telling you that you want a piece of meat, eventually it'll be served and satisfied. The voice in your head is influenced by how you express yourself, so if you happen to express depression, it'll desire it. The opposite being true as well. That is the conclusion that I have received through my current thoughts. I shall attempt to experiment with it (for inspiration is simply what you state inside your mind), soon enough.
  12. http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/59693 In case none of you have heard, there is an Asteroids movie currently being worked on. No it's not a sequel to Bruce Willis's horrible cop out back in 99, it's based on the game any gamer alive should have tried at least once. If you fit into this category, then your brain has the knowledge that said game has no plot. The link contains quotes from the producer about the movie plot however, and it impresses me very much. Taking something as simple as shooting rocks in space into a wonderful life story about two brothers who must charge through their fears sounds courageous to me. My prediction, release date April 1st 2010. Correction, "my wishful" thinking said that.
  13. Omg dude after a week of practicing steps from a book I can finally sing a freaking song without my vocal chords exploding from pain. I sense advancement, I'm so happy.
  14. Only Nerd Game I ever tried was Silver Surfer, beat one level and deleted the game soon after.
  15. I realized I stopped writing for a bit, it coincides with the current struggles of my life. I've fixed my sleeping habits at least 3 different times this summer, and have broken it 4. But fuck it, I've written about me plenty here so that if anyone was ever to read it they could put together the pieces and figure out why I am the way I am. Although giant chunks of it are not present (IE: My father), I remember writing them down in threads during my earlier years on this board. So while not all is handed on a silver platter, it's still assessable through great detective work. But that wasn't my intent, for I've wiped my blog on at least 4 different occasions "starting anew". As it stands the only thing I figured out is that unlike a computer, I can't just reformat my heart, or unlike an mmo, reset my skills and create a new build on the flash (for the low low price of 100 Gold), and I especially can't find treasure that I once found and decided to throw away thinking of its back-then uselessness. Whatever, I really don't want to write about myself as it stands. But as a person I want to see myself become. For it's been put on me to save not only my family, but to save my friends. As korney as it sounds, it's just a matter of what I have to do. This sprang to me after a 3 year slumber, for my brain was nothing but idle during my mainstream of insomnia, the days that I could withstand weeks without sleep have ended. My body hindered, forced me to awake my conscious and create sense. Soon after I felt nothing but fear (still to do today), and regret (this no longer), for I wasted time while forcing those who cherished me beyond the point of no return. But for myself, life is easy. If I desired it I could easily save my family, disregarding anyone and everyone around me not in my family. Then I would be titled a hypocrite, for even those with darkness I wish to preserve. If I desired to save my friends tomorrow morning, I would simply disgrace my parents, claiming independence and forever picking up my own slack while garnering nothing but disgrace from their point of view. Not only that, but my friends would be considered enemies for eternity. If I desire to save only myself, that would be just as easy if I managed to sacrifice both sides by applying all their help to just me. In the end I would end up successful in a very short amount of time, while keeping my insanity at the same level but my darkness spread beyond the point of repair. In order to do what my heart desires however, save all without the shed of blood, then in the end I sacrifice my hobbies and myself. O how I wish to help everyone including myself. In the end I'm stuck trying to figure out a balance between us 3. My father sacrificed his friends, my mother sacrificed her family, My sister herself, being the only one to not make a decision in my family, I wonder if I'm destined to repeat all their mistakes on a grander scale? But that's all current and past troubles, I stated I wanted to see a future-me here. As it stands, I'm 100% me, while I "care" for my friends and family, I rarely ever go out of my way to help either of them. Even though on the outside I state otherwise, and my lips radiate the sound of a hero. On the inside I think of usually nothing but how to get what I want so I can further dig this hole I have dug through since middle school. I don't want that, I want it to be 50% me, 25% my family, 25% my friends. Then spreading out the balance so that the cap isn't 100% anymore, but 200, or even 300! Fuck that, dreams are goals which require high aim, 1,000%! O but what a useless dream, my imagination has far more planned for me than I can ever grasp. It steers ideas into my head that I only wish to produce in music, movies, games, books. Then fear lurks in, and laziness gangs up on me with him. Finally, my mistakes strike the final blow on to me, telling me "It's ok, you can try again tomorrow". The first time I suspected a teacher of showing genuine care for me, she expressed the words "Watch out for tomorrow, for it may never come.", 9 years later and I'm still incapable of producing results that understand the phrase. Shit, 9 years of unproductivity, 9 years of missed opportunities, 9 years of just staring at the game screen laughing away my life. I've considered it an addiction, and at the same time I haven't. While therapists claim both sides of the argument, not only with excuses but with bluntness. How would you feel if your school counselor told you that you where addicted to something electric? While your therapist turns around and claims that it's merely a phase? Which one is right? What if the answer is within me? If so I've already stated many times before that I need to stop looking at this T.V screen, him and his family (Mr.Monitor, Mrs.Handheld, Ms.Gaming Console that I spend lonely nights with on a daily basis). But everything electronic is what produces sporadic imaginative thoughts! Not only that, but it's where I've learned how to garner energy beyond that of normal human understanding! It's where I gained the ability to brute force logic at high speed rates with luck intensified results! This machine that claims my soul, has taught me so much, and I've become dependent of it for more than just homework. It's scary as well, for if my addictions (for food is an even greater enemy to my soul), have all taken over at an alarming rate. I've been suggested to Cold Turkey this bitch, but even then I start sacrificing all my energies for the sake of being able to type out my emotions. Are games necessary? Is the internet necessary? Can you be as good as your competition without them? What about with them? I feel like the lead off of virtual dependency. The prime of the human robot society, claiming that my soul and heart is heard throughout the pages of the internet while merely staying quite in my little cave. So what do I do? I keep throwing myself off topic because I can't seem to think past today for some reason. I want to look at tomorrow but I honestly only ever see myself 10 years down the road. Who I SHOULD be in that amount of time. Who I WANT to become in that amount of time. But I can never see myself doing something to improve for tomorrow, or the day after. But that's just a portion of the pain that I endure daily, I can write many more topics on the things I feel are holding me back. I can write an eternity as well on the characteristics of my lost soul. I want to change the world, but I have to learn how to change myself first. Is there any hope for someone who's still lost after so much time? If so, what are the limits? I'll end it here, I got plenty more to say, but I got some Pokemon that are in need of leveling.
  16. I'm surprised this hasn't been locked... This is the second thread this dude makes regarding his torrent site.
  17. I dig that second tune very much. That needs to go into a game NAO.
  18. Couldn't watch the first one (BLEH), enjoyed the 2nd one very much. Liked the 3rd one until "Hello Kitty" popped out, then it went downhill. As for random vids...
  19. The Dolls have a special place in my heart . Anyways, I've been listening to this all weekend... OC Remix - FFIV: Echoes of Betrayal, Light, and Redemption If you enjoy any form of FF music, I guarantee you that this 3 disc remix album from FFIV will have you happy for days to come. It's been done in the same style as Hedgehog Heaven and The Dark side of Phobos (both great remix albums based off Sonic The Hedgehog 2 and Doom).
  20. Whats up, enjoy your stay in 1Emu paradise .
  21. I just lost the ability to produce boners.
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