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Everything posted by Hackfest

  1. If you mean rom directories for where to load the roms from, then yes.
  2. Well, I just cannot get Samsho5 working on any emu so I grabbed Nebula in an attempt to get it going (thought I read that somewhere) but it doesn't seem to run any of my roms at all. Is there some sort of patch needed to get it to read roms? I really want to play samsho5 on something. Doesn't even work on my cloned mame. Any tips?
  3. svcchaos.zip is working wonderfully, and I was wondering what needed to be done with the smaller zips i.e. (blue, a, aplus) to get them showing as working on my emu. If they are supposed to be used at all that is. Also, I got the Lunar program and was wondering what to do with my samsho.zips ( I have several different ones) to get the patch applied. (Just learned how to use Winzip and Winrar so I am relatively new with the proceedures) Anyone know. Sorry if this has been asked before. Yes, LUNARips Nevermind. I got them all working now. Well, except Samsho
  4. It ia ALL sorted out. You guys are the best. No Escape!!!!!
  5. Okay. All I'm going to say is that James is the MAN. That being said, I magically came across what I believe to be the correct rom for svc. I also magically came across the right emu. But still no good. So I am going to post the new CRCs and see if anyone can help now. I thought it should be 15 CRCs but it is 3: ca3c735e f1562f02 7231ace2
  6. Yeah! I figured out how to make a signature. Wait... nevermind.
  7. I don't want to break any rules here so I'll ask this the best way that I can. Is it against the rules to ask (not in post, perhaps through PM) where I can get a good svc rom? Again - I am NOT ASKING WHERE TO GET IT, but only if I hypothetically could ask through PMing?
  8. I am so frusterated with this stuff. I went to imageshack and uploaded the zip page. I am now lost as this posting wants the URL, which I have no idea. So here is a longshot. I am currently on Yahoo messenger as Hackfest007. If anyone is out there who can help, I'll be on it for a while while I try to find the correct svc rom somewhere, at least on messenger we can speak freely about links and the such. Here's to hoping...
  9. I think I understood what you meant. Here are the CRC numbers: de99e613 e7203930 675159c3 f8810665 b57b4ea3 465d473b a69d523a ba2a7892 37371ca1 56ac5fb9 aaef740c dss67f10 2a57e4d4 31718cb1
  10. Sorry about that. I knew that I would need more information than I could provide. I am such a newbie that I don't know what CRCs are or where I could find them. And yes, I am using mame but I also have kawaks 1.50 and I believe that I have the NeoGeo BIOS because I got a zip file called NeoGeo that I was told I would need to run the game. The thing is, I don't know what to do with it. I wish I could be of more help. On a more positive note, I did get KOF2002 running and it is great!!!
  11. Hey everybodyjava script:emoticon('') smilie!! I have been reading these forums and I think that they are the best, most informative ones I've seen yet. There sure is a lot of garbage out there. I'm excited about this place, everyone seems really cool. So with that said, here is my beef. java script:emoticon('') smilie Whoa!! Put that away!! Kidding. This is what I get when I try to run SVC Chaos, which took me forever to find btw: SVCC: svc_p1.rom 6291456 bytes SVCC: svc_s1.rom 131072 bytes SVCC: ng-sfix.rom 131072 bytes SVCC: neo-geo.rom 131072 bytes SVCC: ng-sm1.rom 131072 bytes SVCC: svc-m1.rom 131072 bytes SVCC: ng-lo.rom 65536 bytes SVCC: svc-v1.rom 4194304 bytes SVCC: svc-v2.rom 4194304 bytes SVCC: svc-v3.rom 4194304 bytes SVCC: svc-v4.rom 4194304 bytes SVCC: svc-c1.rom 8388608 bytes SVCC: svc-c2.rom 8388608 bytes SVCC: svc-c3.rom 8388608 bytes SVCC: svc-c4.rom 8388608 bytes SVCC: svc-c5.rom 8388608 bytes SVCC: svc-c6.rom 8388608 bytes SVCC: svc-c7.rom 8388608 bytes SVCC: svc-c8.rom 8388608 bytes Also I should say that I am as newb to knowledge of emu as one can be. It took me 4 months to figure out how to add a history file so I could read about games in mame. Which btw, excites me because I java script:emoticon('') smilie LOVE GAMES!!! Any help would be more help than I have now. Feel free to email me if need be. Thanx in advance.
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