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Omega Rugal

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. o.. sry will take note of tat xD but asking in pm is it allowed?
  2. hi l'm looking for this rom for ages already, but i still can't find it anyone can help me pls? thanks below are e screenshots
  3. i've added the dat files info into my winkawaks but the game doesnt show up.. can someone help me? or pm me the link to e correct kof10thu rom for winkawaks i have it for neorage but e speed is distorted thanks in advance
  4. If u still wan 2k2 compaitible with NRX pm me =)
  5. For my case i do go ultra in gam espeed l'm using pete's OGL2 plugin as well but izt like speed hacking ingame lolx is it possible tat l'm using a underpowered GFX card? (Nivida Geforce 2 mx 64 mb)
  6. Anyone heppene to have e DAT for kof2k2 super/plus version?
  7. Did u inpurt the svc DAT in as well? coz as far as i knoe svc needs a DAT to run as izt 1 of e copyrighted romsets it shld be easy to find the DAT
  8. Hi l'm new here =) sorry if i interupted anything but does anyone has e DAT files for kof2k2plus? coz i can;t get it to load in my kawaks 1.46 loader it odesnt seem to reconigse e file or izzit e problem with my romset? Thanks in advance for e help
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