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Everything posted by Robert

  1. * MAME 0.273 - https://www.mamedev.org/release.html * ARCADE64 0.273.1 - https://arcade.mameworld.info * MAMEUI64 0.273.1 - https://messui.1emulation.com/ * MAME 0.273 for RPi - https://stickfreaks.com/mame/ * WolfMAME 0.273 - https://github.com/mahlemiut/wolfmame/releases * GroovyMAME 0.273 - https://github.com/antonioginer/GroovyMAME/releases * NegaMAME 0.273-1 - http://babelsoft.net/products/negamame.htm * Panda3DS 0.9 [3DS] - https://github.com/wheremyfoodat/Panda3DS/releases * MEmu 9.2.0 [Android] - https://www.memuplay.com/blog/en/category/release-notes * Altirra 4.30 [Atari 8-bit] - https://virtualdub.org/altirra.html * GearColeco 1.3.1 [Colecovision] - https://github.com/drhelius/Gearcoleco/releases * Hoxs64 [Commodore 64] - https://www.hoxs64.net/ * Vice 3.9 [Commodore 64] - https://vice-emu.sourceforge.io/ * Yape 1.2.5 [Commodore Plus/4] - http://yape.homeserver.hu/ * ScummVM 2.9.0 - https://www.scummvm.org/downloads/ * GearSystem 3.6.1 [Genesis/Megadrive] - https://github.com/drhelius/Gearsystem/releases * Gopher64 0.1.12 [N64] - https://github.com/gopher64/gopher64/releases * Simple64 2024.12.1 [N64] - https://github.com/simple64/simple64/releases * Nestopia UE 1.53.0 [NES] - http://0ldsk00l.ca/nestopia/ * DCMOTO (2025-01-01) [Thomson] - http://dcmoto.free.fr/ * XEMU 0.8.4 [XBOX] - https://github.com/xemu-project/xemu/releases * dgVoodoo 2.84.1 [Plugin] - http://dege.freeweb.hu/dgVoodoo2/dgVoodoo2/ * Erockus 12.7 [Front-end] - http://erockus.elementfx.com/arcade.html
  2. Robert

    MAMEUI64 0.273.1

    Since they took so long, I decided to make a new release of MAMEUI - 0.273.1 Extra changes: - cdibios: fixed crash at start [MT9037] - vp415: fixed regression and crash at start [MT9024] - svision: fixed crash at start if no cartridge [MT9017] Happy New Year 2025.
  3. Robert

    MAMEUI64 0.273.1

    They are just late as usual. If it was skipped they would make an entry at mamedev.org (like last year), and my version would have been (0.272.2). I did it early (well, on time), because of hot weather that started today which may go on for weeks, too hot for my poor little computer.
  4. Robert

    MAMEUI64 0.273.1

    MAMEUI64 0.273.0 has been released. Available at https://messui.1emulation.com Changes: - Removed option to change clone colours - it hadn't been working for a long time. - Fixed crash in mononcol if no cartridge used. - Fixed quickload in jaguar which had been crashing for the last few years. Many games now playable. See hash/more/jaguar_quik.xml - Got rid of annoying popup messages in supracan. Please note that gameinit.dat which previously only contained arcade-related info now additionally has console, computer, and pinball information. You can grab a copy at https://github.com/Robbbert/Startup/blob/main/gameinit.dat . This information will show at the top of the history tab.
  5. * Clownmdemu 1.0 [Genesis/Megadrive] - https://github.com/Clownacy/clownmdemu-frontend/releases * Gopher2600 0.35.3 [Atari2600/VCS] - https://github.com/JetSetIlly/Gopher2600/releases/ * Gearboy 3.6.0 [Gameboy] - https://github.com/drhelius/Gearboy/releases
  6. Robert

    MAMEUI64 0.272.0

    It's been noticed that the clone colour menu option doesn't do anything. This is because the listview (the main game list) was originally written for NT4.0 and broke in the newer compiler (after 10.1), so it had to be rewritten in accordance with Microsoft standards. This new code doesn't support alternative colours per line, that's why it didn't work. The menu option has now been removed.
  7. Ah yeah, mess/messui officially died over 2 years ago, but you can always compile your own, or you can use mameui and turn off the arcade side. May as well lock this too, since there's no point having it open any more.
  8. You mean as another category on the left side? You can already do that. Take a copy of an existing one, rename the copy and put whatever you want in it. So for spinners call the new file Spinners.ini, and populate it. The file must be plain ascii, not utf8 or any foreign language stuff.
  9. * JGenesis 0.8.3 [Multi-system] - https://github.com/jsgroth/jgenesis/releases * Cemu 2.5 [Wii-U] - https://github.com/cemu-project/Cemu/releases * SDLMAME 0.272 for Ubuntu - https://sdlmame.wallyweek.org/download/ * Sameboy 1.0 [Gameboy] - https://sameboy.github.io/downloads/ * mGBA 0.10.4 [GBA] - https://mgba.io/ * Mark 5 2.0.1 [Hitachi BML3] - http://s-sasaji.ddo.jp/bml3mk5/download.htm * Qemu 9.2.0 [PC] - https://download.qemu.org/
  10. * MAME 0.272 - https://www.mamedev.org/release.html * WolfMAME 0.272 - https://github.com/mahlemiut/wolfmame/releases * MAME for Mac 0.272 - https://ports.macports.org/port/mame/details/ * MAME for Rpi 0.272 - https://stickfreaks.com/mame/ * NegaMame 0.272-1 - http://babelsoft.net/products/negamame.htm * Qemu 7.2.15, 8.2.8, 9.0.4, 9.1.2 [PC] - https://download.qemu.org/ * Play! 0.68 [PS2] - https://purei.org/ * clrmame scanner 0.08, rebuilder 0.15.1 [Rom Manager] - https://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/ * ExtraMame 24.12 [Front-end] - https://www.wintools.net/extramame/ * Erockus 12.6 [Front-end] - http://erockus.elementfx.com/arcade.html
  11. * ARCADE64 0.272.0 - https://arcade.mameworld.info/ * MAMEUI 0.272.0 - https://messui.1emulation.com/ * Sugarbox 2.0.4 [Amstrad CPC] - https://github.com/Tom1975/SugarboxV2/releases * XEMU 0.7.134 [XBOX] - https://github.com/xemu-project/xemu/releases * Pantheon 14.620 [Multi-system] - http://bostjan-grandovec.si/Content/Download.htm * XRoar 1.7.3 [Dragon 64/Tandy CoCo] - http://www.6809.org.uk/xroar/ * Gopher2600 0.35.2 [Atari 2600] - https://github.com/JetSetIlly/Gopher2600/releases/ * Clownmdemu [Sega Genesis, Megadrive] - https://github.com/Clownacy/clownmdemu-frontend/releases
  12. Robert

    MAMEUI64 0.272.0

    MAMEUI64 0.272.0 has been released. Available at https://messui.1emulation.com The only major change is the ability to get proper crash dumps in case something goes wrong. Most people can ignore this, but if you think you can help with tracking down problems you must start MAMEUI with a redirection parameter. For example: >mameui > crash.txt Various internal things will be written to crash.txt which can be ignored, but should a crash occur, the dump will go into crash.txt as well. The dump uses the new file mameui.sym which has been included in the download package. When a crash occurs, MAMEUI will appear to freeze for about 60 seconds, before exiting. No need to panic. If the freeze goes on for too long then you can terminate the process.
  13. * AppleWin [Apple2] - https://github.com/AppleWin/AppleWin/releases * Raine 0.97.2 [Arcade] - https://raine.1emulation.com/download/latest.html * XRoar 1.7.1 [Dragon64 / Tandy CoCo] - http://www.6809.org.uk/xroar/ * MelonDS 1.0 RC [NDS] - https://melonds.kuribo64.net/downloads.php
  14. There's a blast from the past. Glad to see you're still alive.
  15. * JGenesis 0.8.2 [Multi-system] - https://github.com/jsgroth/jgenesis/releases * Gopher64 0.1.10 [N64] - https://github.com/gopher64/gopher64/releases * Cemu 2.4 [Wii-U] - https://github.com/cemu-project/Cemu/releases * Raine 0.97.1 [Arcade] - https://raine.1emulation.com/download/latest.html * HBMAME 0.245.21 [Arcade] - https://hbmame.1emulation.com/ * XEMU 0.7.133 [XBOX] - https://github.com/xemu-project/xemu/releases * Pyboy 2.4.1 [Gameboy] - https://github.com/Baekalfen/PyBoy/releases * Simple64 2024.11.1 [N64] - https://github.com/simple64/simple64/releases * ROM Properties 2.4.1 [Rom Manager] - https://github.com/GerbilSoft/rom-properties/releases
  16. Robert

    HBMAME 0.245.21

    HBMAME 0.245.21 has been released. https://hbmame.1emulation.com/ What's new in HBMAME ==================== 2024-11-13 0.245.21 New Games --------------------------------- - [bubblem01] Bubble Memories: Black Edition (World) - [bubblemu01] Bubble Memories: Black Edition (USA) - [dilith] Dilithium Lift - [dkongjr01] Donkey Kong Junior (bugfixed) - [galaga03] Galaga Challenging Only (2024-03-26) - [knightsch] Knight's Chance - [kof94s40] Kof'94 (Team Edit Edition v1.4.2) - [quarth01] Quarth (Cooperative) - [redearthep] Red Earth (NO CD, Easy Password) - [sf2ce59] Street Fighter II' (Golden Magic) - [sf2ce60] Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Aimed Barrels) - [sf2ce61] Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Aimed Fires) - [sf2ce62] Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Barrels of Fun) - [sf2ce63] Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Bird in Hand) - [sf2ce64] Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Burning Fires) - [sf2ce65] Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Fire Serpent) - [sf2ce66] Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Vampiric) - [sf2ce67] Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (L735 [CL1785]) - [sfz3mix] Street Fighter Zero 3 (Turbo Mix 0.31) [zero800] - [ssf2t10] Super Street Fighter II Turbo (940223U, difficulty fix)
  17. * SDLMAME for Ubuntu 0.271 - https://sdlmame.wallyweek.org/download/ * RPCS3 0.0.34 [PS3] - https://github.com/RPCS3/rpcs3/releases * MAME 0.271 for Mac - https://ports.macports.org/port/mame/details/ * ARES v141 [Multi-system] - https://ares-emu.net/download * NegaMAME 0.271-1 - http://babelsoft.net/products/negamame.htm * Groovymame 0.271 - https://github.com/antonioginer/GroovyMAME/releases * Cemu 2.3 [Wii-U] - https://github.com/cemu-project/Cemu/releases * PPSSPP 1.18.1 [Sony PSP] - https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp/releases * clrmame scanner 0.07 / rebuilder 0.14 [ROM Manager] - https://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/
  18. Robert

    MAMEUI64 0.271.0

    OK I got it to crash, and it took a while, but I believe it's been fixed for the next release. Or, you can download the next build from github, when it finishes building.
  19. Robert

    MAMEUI64 0.271.0

    If I could replicate the problem I'd try to fix it. But it all works fine for me. Sorry about that.
  20. Robert

    MAMEUI64 0.271.0

    swpath is for loose files only. If this path is set through the GUI then it works fine - I know because of the extensive software testing I've been doing over the last few months. MAME can only do the first path in swpath, but MAMEUI can handle multiple paths. Note that the path separator is semi-colon, not comma. For softlist-list-based-software, that path goes into your rompath, along with the path to your bios roms and so on. I've never had any crashes because of the setting of swpath, right or wrong.
  21. * MAME 0.271 - https://www.mamedev.org/release.html * ARCADE64 0.271.0 - https://arcade.mameworld.info/ * MAMEUI64 0.271.0 - https://messui.1emulation.com/ * SDLMAME for MAC 0.270 - https://ports.macports.org/port/mame/details/ * MAME for RPi 0.271 - https://stickfreaks.com/mame/ * WolfMAME 0.271 - https://github.com/mahlemiut/wolfmame/releases * Nintaco (2024-10-27) [NES] - https://nintaco.com/index.html * Nemulator 4.5 [NES] - http://nemulator.com/downloads.html * DSP 0.23 final [Multi-system] - https://github.com/leniad/dsp-emulator * RPC Emu 0.9.5 [Acorn Archimedes] - https://www.marutan.net/rpcemu/index.php * Erockus 12.5 [Front-end] - http://erockus.elementfx.com/arcade.html
  22. Robert

    MAMEUI64 0.271.0

    MAMEUI64 0.271.0 has been released. Available at https://messui.1emulation.com The software listed in \hash\more now number 45425, spread over 144 lists. Changes that didn't get into MAME: - Hitachi bml3, Amstrad cpc and clones, Fujitsu fm7 and clones: improved cassette motor handling - i8275: don't crash if double spaced rows requested - pecom32, pecom64: fixed cassette reading; fixed shift key interfering with tape loading; adjusted cpu speed; system can now run the items in the software list. - partner: fixed crash when floppy drive accessed - homelab: fixed buffer overrun in the quickload; homebrew games can now be run.
  23. * Qemu 9.1.1 [PC] - https://download.qemu.org/ * WinUAE 5.3.1 [Commodore Amiga] - https://www.winuae.net/download/ * Flycast 2.4 [Arcade] - https://github.com/flyinghead/flycast/releases * Denise 2.4 [Commodore Amiga/C64] - https://sourceforge.net/projects/deniseemu/files
  24. * AdvanceMAME 4.0 - http://www.advancemame.it/ * XRoar 1.6.6 [Tandy Color Computer / Dragon] - http://www.6809.org.uk/xroar/ * JGenesis 0.8.1 [Multi-system] - https://github.com/jsgroth/jgenesis/releases * DCMO5 (2024-10-15) [Thomson MO5] - http://dcmoto.free.fr/emulateur/index.html * GameEx 18.78 [Front-end] - https://www.gameex.com/news/
  25. Robert

    MAMEUI64 0.270.0

    @StHiryu You need to set "mouse 1". I didn't need to use mouseprovider win32. The only difference on mameui is the system mouse pointer stays on, and isn't captured. You need to use full screen to fix that.
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