I would try this for myself, but I'm missing the p1. Here are the roms required by kawaks 1.48 dev 33554432 1b608f9c 269-c1.bin 33554432 5a95f294 269-c2.bin 131072 7d337756 269-m1.bin 131072 fd4f0ff9 269-m1d.bin 8388608 432cfdfc 269-p1.bin 8388608 c659b34c 269-v1.bin 8388608 a81da99a 269-v1d.bin 8388608 dd903835 269-v2.bin 8388608 a8dd6446 269-v2d.bin not sure why it needs decrypted and encrypted v's just shows what a bodgy emu it is. edit: i went for a search for 269-p1 without luck, however everyone says its a 32mb rom, but as you can see, the dat says its an 8mb rom. Another mystery.