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Everything posted by Robert

  1. http://mamedev.org/updates.html http://messui.the-chronicles.org/
  2. http://rainemu.swishparty.co.uk/ No neoraine changelog.
  3. http://stella.sourceforge.net/downloads.php
  4. ClrMamePro 4.08b -- http://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/download.htm Joyce 2.2.5 (Amstrad emu) -- http://www.seasip.demon.co.uk/Unix/Joyce/download.html no$sns 1.4 (snes emu) -- http://nocash.emubase.de/sns.htm Xfire 1.150 -- http://www.xfire.com/download/ Bizhawk 1.2.0 -- http://code.google.com/p/bizhawk/downloads/list
  5. Cave nicely asked the MAME team to remove it. If they hadn't done so, then sterner action would have followed. There is no date for those games to come back. I have to agree on this, there should not be emulation of games or systems that are still being sold in shops.
  6. I've been given to understand that the members of that forum have been instructed not to post here or else. If Sharpfork wants to fix the problems in the scene, he has a tough job ahead. I hope he succeeds.
  7. Not at all. It's good that you want to do something. I'm just not sure if the time is right yet.
  8. I don't mind that Sharpfork gives his side of things, after all we like to hear all sides of the story. And we're not about to edit his post or ban him. The problem is that on bp's forum, you can only say things that are favourable. Otherwise you risk having your posts modified or removed, and getting called a troll and banned. So, for those who wish to express a contrary view, they need to post that elsewhere (mostly here). That is why there are 'sides'. To even post here at all is to risk a ban over there. The comment about puppy dogs was directed at those whose only purpose of joining the forum is to ask or demand where to get the software... not to those who have actually helped, such as Sharpfork.
  9. http://nocash.emubase.de/2k6.htm This is the first release for over 7 years.
  10. Emu28 emulates the HP18C, HP28 and HP28C calculators. Get it here -> http://hp.giesselink.com/emu28.htm To see the change log, download the source code package and read CHANGES.TXT
  11. Pity I missed it welcome back, I see you have been busy helping with getting coinops into shape. Now, I just had a look at that forum, had to laugh, it's like a bunch of starving puppy dogs wanting to get fed.... 'where can i get it?'...'when can i get it?'... 'when is the torrent gonna be ready?'...'i want it now, can't wait..'... funny stuff.
  12. http://code.google.com/p/halfnes/downloads/list
  13. Seems to be 'daillest319' ... who knows... perhaps it is he who is the 'brains' behind this operation.
  14. He's made it clear to me that he isn't coming back. Anyway, if he did, you have the power to silence him for as long as you like. I'd still like to quote him until co5 gets released (next week it seems), because what he says is a conversation point... for good or bad. However it's your forum.. if you want to ban talk of him & his product, say so. Somehow i've gotten used to the spelling errors and bad grammar... i wonder how many typos are in the product?
  15. LOL, actually there is a 'Color' button at top right, it changes the text colour. But yeah it kinda looks depressing whatever is chosen. Welcome back Waal... in case you're worried about moderation, that is up to +T+ now... I won't do anything. And lastly, there wasn't any objection to allowing emuxtras, so as of now you can mention it, and link to it, but make sure there's no links to roms in the threads you link to. Also, it's a good idea to make sure that guests can read the threads.
  16. Source update for MAME and MESS -> http://mamedev.org/updates.html MESSUI -> http://messui.the-chronicles.org/
  17. And to think I have plenty more of his/her words on hand.. maybe i should release it all one of these days.. . Destronger... should I feel sorry for you or congratulate you for getting banned? And lastly... the other day i looked at your other site, and surprise surprise it has plenty of links back to here and i didn't see anything bad.. maybe we should allow it to be linked to? anyone for or against?
  18. So, the censorship is very much alive there. The post by PastTimes09 (whoever it is) was removed. I suppose he's most likely banned.
  19. your track record with FBL sources makes people think this way oh some coinops users wont remember nes6502 one of the best devs this scene ever had and sadly missed good topic this one http://www.1emulation.com/forums/topic/31511-xxx/page__st__44
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