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Everything posted by Robert

  1. There's a video that shows this..
  2. http://sourceforge.net/projects/openmsx/files/
  3. There's another video on the link above..
  4. There's some short preview videos you can watch http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-eVWq6s00myZQ8-Lhfhlig
  5. lol.. you could be right Bigby. So... now that the beta is floating around, any comments on it?
  6. Can I assume from this that anyone who posts a negative comment on any site would have his membership revoked? And if it was done on his site, that the post would be removed? If that is true, you can be assured that here, at least, we won't censor your thoughts on bp or his emulators.
  7. Trusted members? I suppose anything is possible.
  8. He's not saying much lately.. maybe run into problems?
  9. If that was the case, one would already have most of the roms and whatnot from the previous version, and so the download would not be very large. However, I pity the noobs.
  10. If anyone gets to test a beta, let us know how good it is.
  11. Ah thanks. I didn't realise they were ALL derived from 0.84 ...
  12. ClrMamePro 4.08 -- http://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/download.htm MameClassic frontend 6.3.0 -- http://mameclassic.mameworld.info/ Aranym 0.9.14 Atari emulator -- http://sourceforge.net/projects/aranym/files/aranym/ Pasofami 2.0b (Famicon and clones) -- http://www.geocities.jp/pasofami77/download.htm
  13. Hey I know there's various xbox arcade emulators around, mostly based off MAME. My question is, what MAME version is each emulator derived from?
  14. Here's the unedited text in full:
  15. Seems it will have locks... at least at the moment. If anyone has l33t cracking skillz, it's time to get ready!
  16. Did the top 50 ever exist?
  17. yip the top 50 coundown is cancelled cos of me Wahhaha .. really? Please, please, post as much about Coinops 5 as you can find out.. also any other rumours or whatever that you happen to hear. oh and what bp has been up to..
  18. http://code.google.com/p/halfnes/downloads/list
  19. For MAME and MESS, use the MAME source located at http://mamedev.org/release.html The MAME binaries are at the same link. MESS official binaries are at http://mess.redump.net/downloads MESSUI patch and binaries are at http://messui.the-chronicles.org/
  20. http://sourceforge.net/projects/dice/files/
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