Lxdream 0.9.1 - Dreamcast emulator for Linux and Mac ECC 0.9.9.R2 - Front End Mameload TNG u41 - Front End iDeaS beta and Audio Plugin for Windows - DS emulator Ootake 2.15 - TG16 / PCE emulator JMEBoy 1.3.3 and JSwingBoy 1.2.11 - Gameboy emulator for phones EMU7800 0.91 - Atari 7800 emulator Mednafen 0.8.C - Multi-system emulator
You might have to close all your browsers, delete all your cookies and try again. I found when I changed skins, it kept showing the wrong skin on the index page but I pressed F5 a few times and it fixed itself permanently.
I'm not sure about this new feature, but I know GC talked about returning an old feature... Miskie thanks for doing a good job. What worries me is that GC will be gone for 10 weeks, how will anything get fixed?