Sorry Ryder,but Braveheart was a load of poop. One 1 hand,it re-installed some much need pride to the Celts of this world (i am of pure Irish Celt bloodline) but on the other hand it took so many great histrorical liberties with the truth it was unforgivable.Then Mr.Gibson saw fit to rub the english's noses in it with that Patriot movie. Since when has hollywood made a film with Pro-english sensibilties? Hardly ever,cept for Master And Commander i guess.America=great United Kingdon=bad is the general message they portray.With that sort of inbuilt socio-policitcal bias that Hollywood has,its difficult to take anything as 100% gospel. Hollywood has been a great source of re-writting,imbelishing histrorical fact with crowd pleasing jingoism. About this film,dosent the Bible have a fopar about NOT making graven images..take alook at the "licenced" merchandised products for sale..hypocrisy. How can you slap a licence patent on Jesus anyway.I hope when he does come downto bring us Armagedon he brings an Army of Lawyers to sue Mels ass.