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Everything posted by Tux

  1. I vote to totally trash all this nonsense about window position/size/etc, got too much of it. Feature totally removed soon ! And blocking or removing the maximize button ! for the ips function : very good where it is, not going back. As I said obviously the old way was confusing.
  2. The usual stuff, but some of these fixes are quite surprising, at least for me : The updates first : samsho2pe updated to its latest version but can already be retrieved from internet archive, sfz3mix v0.31 and it's now downloaded directly from its site instead of internet archive. Also the pbobblen "rotary" version is now supported, see the post about that there Fixes : - the sdl2 default rendering was mostly broken, now it works again, it's good to have this one as default rendering even if it has less features than opengl - the fps displayed when using the turbo key (DEL by default) were wrong ! - fixed the mess added in previous version about window size, position and status, hopefully for good this time - fixed slowdown when choosing to have an opaque hud in opengl !!! This one was very surprising, I only found it because I tested the sdl2 rendering and so I chose opaque hud there, and kept it when returning to opengl after. It took me a long while to understand where that incredible slowdown was coming from ! It can be particularly felt if using the turbo key, it was much slower if using an opaque hud ! Anyway it's done totally differently now and should work all the time. - got rid of the borderless option in video options, it was replaced by desktop fullscreen in sdl2 it should have been removed earlier. And you can now cancel a rom download before the end, just use either the ESC key or a right click on the progression dialog. http://raine.1emulation.com/download/latest.html
  3. Perfect update for github, you deserve praise for that since you do it blindly without even compiling ! Just added the option to cancel the curl transfers, no part file, the file is just deleted if the transfer is aborted and you get a clear message that the transfer was aborted. It was handled by curl so it was easy to add. Just try to close the loading progress dialog by the ESC key or right mouse click on it, both methods work, even if there is a slight delay because the event can be handled only when the dialog is updated. I think we have everything for a release now, I'll just wait a bit because it's still morning here and I am still quite sleepy !
  4. I finally fixed all this, took me a good 1+ hour, because I had to reboot multiple times to compare linux and windows... ! Anyway, in the end the patch is quite short. It's my fault for having started that, I was surprised also that the code seemed so simple when I did it in the previous version, I should have guessed there were some pitfalls ! Anyway I hope it's fixed for good this time. Yeah maybe a way to cancel the download without killing violently the program in case you get a slow server could be an idea, not for now because I had enough of stupid occurrences with these window positions/sizes/status, but I agree it would be a good idea (but not so obvious to add in the code, this dialog is very special, it's the download function which updates the dialog in a callback, so let's hope there is a way to cancel the thing...).
  5. Actually found another curious hack from the link given by mer-curious : https://rotary-bobble.mattgreer.dev/ some people thought about using a rotary control for puzzle bobble, when taito never did that for its 4+ games (4 major versions), afaik at least. So I was curious to emulate this to test with a mouse the result. It's not bad, but it's very similar to the precision you get when playing on keyboard ! The mouse becomes better in extreme situations when you need a 1 pixel precision... Anyway I'll commit this to git in case somebody wants to test that, it was interesting anyway to revisit puzzle bobble this way. In case you have a memory card saved for this game, disable it because the part where the game asks about the memory card is not converted to the rotary control so it's just impossible to select an answer ! It's probably the bios which does this part. Just move pbobblen-neogeo.bin out of the savedata directory before starting the game. Added the ips files with the dat file in the extras section of the downloads, but you need the git version to use the mouse with this game. (it detects when the ips patch is in use and switches automatically the control to the mouse).
  6. Is there a changelog ? Am I the only one to have the problem with the tree in the ryu's stage then ? For some reason I had put some code to forbid loading a cps1 with bad crcs which is not standard, normally a bad crc is a warning, not an error. No idea why I did that, this driver is very old, it was cps1 at the beginning ! It dates from 2013 when I backported the load_progress function from the standard version of raine to the dos version (allegro). There was probably a reason at the time to add that... ! Anyway this allows to load your update with a warning that's all. Maybe I'll update the crcs this time in the source but I won't do it all the time. And what happened to the ogg files you were supposed to make with mer-curious ? edit : anyway just switched to v0.31 in git, also the rom is downloaded from your official github page now which is much faster than internet archive. (and internet archive still has 0.30). By the way all the nice save states from mer-curious are incompatible with this 0.31 apparently !
  7. Ok, read it by copying and pasting the thing in google translations, thanks for the good words ! It's something zero800 should read !
  8. Only if you have a fb account. I won't reopen my fb account. Too bad !
  9. Tux

    Raine 0.96.9 : hotfix !

    As said in the 1st post at the top of this page, I get big gaps in sodom's stage if fixing scroll2y. in order : fixing scroll2y obliges to change the offsets for sprites too otherwise you get a black bar on the right of the tree in the ryu stage. Then sodom's stage has some big obvious gaps everywhere. Fixing them obliges to change scroll1y. Except scroll1 is already at the limit and it shows other gaps elsewhere in this same stage. So scroll1 is unmovable in this stage -> scroll2 becomes unmovable too. mer-curious made a very convenient set of saves to quickly test all situations in this game... By the way I didn't find the exact offset to fix in your link, but it's a 4 pixels problem apparently.
  10. Errr, this feature was made to be practical, not to make the perfect program which works in all imaginable cases ! I might try to fix some, but really you loose really too much time on details.
  11. Tux

    Raine 0.96.9 : hotfix !

    "update ngcd sprite block" is 1 of the very old functions added in the glory days when I tried to help for a certain translation of ssrpg... ! It's useless today, but you never know, it could be used some day, even if it's highly unlikely. 0.96.10 just released, you have another toy to break !
  12. At least this time I took a good week for this one so I had more time ! For sf2mix it's another clone from zero800, not as spectacular as sfz3mix, but still interesting. For the fixes, most of them are described in this forum thread with plenty of pictures posted : Except that ffman1985 did it again, this time on "fatal fury1", and the very special thing this time is that he added the ability to play in coop with the computer! One of the most surprising bugs was probably the bad initialization of the sound driver in the sound options dialog, we probably had this one for very long ! Anyway find it there : http://raine.1emulation.com/download/latest.html
  13. Tux

    Raine 0.96.9 : hotfix !

    Yeah yeah... the thing about the hotfix version is that it fixes only the emergency. Here the emergency was that I succeeded to break all the top of the raine's main menu ! The one with sf2mix and all the fixes contained in this thread will be released today, I hesitate to do it now because I am still currently a little sleepy so it's not a very good idea to do anything like that in such a state... ! But promised, it will be released within at max 8 hours and very probably earlier.
  14. Tux

    Raine 0.96.9 : hotfix !

    Ok after checking this is the y correction for sprites and scroll2 which makes this bug to appear. By removing both, it's gone. The obvious difference with both removed is that the purple defense bar is touching the top of the screen, but if it's the only drawback then it's worth keeping things like that. edit : and apparently there is no way to have both fixes at the same time, if you fix the tree in this ryu against ken in the attract mode then sodom's stage get big black gaps. You need to move scroll2 to fix them, and then the sprites too, and so the gap in the tree appears. So it's probably a bug of sfz3mix itself, I'll keep the fix as they are for now.
  15. It took you 6 days to notice his message ? Unbelievable !
  16. Tux

    Raine 0.96.9 : hotfix !

    It's possible there is an unwanted workaround, in the sense where there are a few hacks in the sprites drawing which are not documented, it's from the super old sdl source upon which neocdpsp was based, very few have survived the migration to raine, but a few remain. Now I would need to investigate deeply to be sure about that and sorry I am not really motivated to do that now... Sorry to inform you after looking some more that actually this bug is also in raine now that I fixed all the alignment issues that you found (well hopefully). It might be worth investigating which part exactly brought the bug in... !
  17. Tux

    Raine 0.96.9 : hotfix !

    No didn't know it. It looks less innovative than sfz3mix though, a lot like the zillions of clones of sf2... but yeah maybe it could be an idea to try to add it... Ok, added out of curiosity, much easier to add than sfz3mix ! Added the custom dsw as indicated on the web site...
  18. Tux

    Raine 0.96.9 : hotfix !

    And from Luca (Zzap!raine editor for now) : sfz3mix ceases to be a clone since it completely replaces all the roms, it's an independent rom now. And from some other user on github : the sound driver saved in the config file never appears in the sound dialog when you launch raine, except if it's the 1st sound driver. It's a bug, the dialog is not properly initialized. I also added an error message when you change the driver in the gui, the change doesn't return an error, but the driver remains the same anyway, in this case you must do the change before starting any game.
  19. Tux

    Raine 0.96.9 : hotfix !

    For the green ball : I checked your save, yous see this ball only in the 1 few frames during the stage introduction, if you want to spend hours debugging a video bug for something which happens only during a few seconds, be my guest ! 1) focus lost : nice finding, it was during the transition to sdl2, many things to fix at the same time, I started this one but never finished it ! Luckily finishing it was very easy, it's fixed. It's still surprising this was never reported earlier, this change is from November 2021, so this must be used by nobody... ! 2) it's the default in the sdl test programs which use the joystick/controller, I copied without trying to understand. Cases where you use 2 programs at the same time which use the same controller are rather rare normally. But so it's not a problem, I just changed the setting from 1 to 0, 1 line change. 3) after a break and some testing in windows : actually the maximized status of the window was not tracked at all, I didn't even think about it, because you see normal people use fullscreen for what you did, not a window with decorations, but yeah I know, you are different ! (yeah I am sure it's because you love to switch from one emulator to another even on a tv !). Ok, so I added the tracking of maximized/restore status which obliges to change quite a few things, and while I was at it the position of the window is now tracked in real time, previously it was just asked when the program exited. I removed a hack about window position for linux in the process, normally it shouldn't be necessary anymore... let's hope for the best ! A particularity : it tries to save the status of the window before it was maximized, which means that if you maximize your window, quit to save the configuration, then run the program on another screen, you should be able to leave maximized state and find your previous saved position ! 4) Ah, I didn't notice that either, it's a function which is almost never used, and probably not used at all by most users. Actually even if it looks like a separate program, it's just another window, you can open multiple windows with an sdl2 program, but this particular one didn't allow the window to close, yeah. I don't know why they did that in the 1st place, but anyway ok I added the ability to close to exit earlier ! And I don't plan a release before this week-end !
  20. I don't really see what these 2 things have in common ! Plus here this was a bug from the patch author, not the rom authors, so it would be highly unlikely to be found elsewhere ! I didn't remember the bug but I remembered the video and remembered my reply at the time, it didn't change !
  21. kof94te is at version 1.3.0, out of beta, including the patch for this problem. By the way he could confirm the problem happens only on raine, not on the original hardware, so maybe 1 day I'll have to change the way sprites are drawn. But for now it allows me to do things faster for sure, so everything is good. I can keep the patch in the source since it checks the contents of the rom before patching it, so it doesn't try to patch 1.3.0, just tested with the a95 patch. This is the end of this problem then !
  22. Tux

    Raine 0.96.9 : hotfix !

    congratulations for the time you spent doing all these screenshots and saves, you should really learn to compile so that you could try these alignment issues yourself, because you never see the end of it ! Clearly all this comes from the resolution change in this game. Now the screens to be able to check relative alignment of layers are very rare, even more so when you talk about vertical alignment ! Yeah I missed scroll1, maybe I didn't want to see it at the time, the text layer for the 1st screens, the horizontal alignment is easy, but there might be some vertical alignment too about this and in this case it might affect other layers too... The sodom stage is the worst, this stage is done by pieces of layers stuck together everywhere ! Anyway not sure at all we'll see the end of it before long... You fix 1 screen and then you notice that it breaks another one ! Too bad there's no screen to check these alignment in the test mode, there is one but it's done only to align the crt monitor screen image, I guess it didn't make much sense to align layers on the original hardware back then... !
  23. And I got my testing from ffman1985 here, so this function is actually called to display the player name on the player selection screen, so if you disable it this way, you don't see the player name. So the correct fix becomes : - dpoke $2be018 $303c for patch a4 - dpoke $2be018-$20 $303c for patch a5 At least I was right not to hurry this fix yesterday, it really needed more time ! And the guy from the kof94te project just replied to say he is out of town for now but will merge the fix as soon as possible, cool so maybe the fix won't even be necessary here for the next version then!
  24. Actually if you want to test that on 0.96.9, it's easy to do and it would be useful : after loading kof94 with one of the ips patches loaded open the console and type : - for a94 : dpoke $2bd8ea $4e75 - for a95 : dpoke $2bd8ca $4e75 I know it fixes this bug but I can't be sure it doesn't affect anything else... Yeah you can't copy and paste to the console yet, you'll need to copy this manually. edit : fixed the offsets in the console, it's $2xxxxx and not $1xxxxx... !
  25. For info the crazy idea of ffman1985 worked, so I made a patch for the ips patch. The problem started to appear in their 1.1.9 version actually so it's not exactly recent. It looks like a bug and not something wanted, it's a function which is supposed to erase some characters and actually enables a column of sprites which should stay disabled. The patch is committed to git, it's actually very short, it works with the latest 1.3.0b0 version.
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