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StHiryu last won the day on March 1

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  1. StHiryu

    HBMAME 0.245.23

    Yes, working that way, thanks for the info
  2. StHiryu

    HBMAME 0.245.23

    When you create or edit a custom folder, like Favorites, is not displayed in the treeview at the left of the GUI panel. Anyway didn't checked the new version.
  3. StHiryu

    HBMAME 0.245.23

    Is still the bug for showing custom folders present in the current release?
  4. StHiryu

    MAMEUI64 0.275.0

    MAME, WOLFMAME AND MAMEUI 0.275 32bit available (Xp compatible). Download from: RETRODANUART MAME XP
  5. StHiryu

    HBMAME 0.245.23

    HBMAME and HBMAMEUI 0.245.23 32bit avaliable (Xp compatible). Download from: RETRODANUART MAME XP
  6. StHiryu

    HBMAME 0.245.22

    HBMAME and HBMAMEUI 0.245.22 32bit avaliable (Xp compatible). Download from: RETRODANUART MAME XP
  7. StHiryu

    MAMEUI64 0.274.0

    MAME, WOLFMAME AND MAMEUI 0.274 32bit available (Xp compatible). Download from: RETRODANUART MAME XP
  8. StHiryu

    MAMEUI64 0.273.1

    MAME, WOLFMAME AND MAMEUI 0.273 32bit available (Xp compatible). Download from: RETRODANUART MAME XP
  9. StHiryu

    HBMAME 0.245.21

    HBMAME and HBMAMEUI 0.245.21 32bit avaliable (Xp compatible). Download from: RETRODANUART MAME XP
  10. StHiryu

    MAMEUI64 0.272.0

    MAME, WOLFMAME AND MAMEUI 0.272 32bit available (Xp compatible). Download from: RETRODANUART MAME XP
  11. StHiryu

    MAMEUI64 0.271.0

    All fixed with your later commits. Big Thanks!!!!
  12. StHiryu

    MAMEUI64 0.271.0

    Corrected the comma for the semi-colon, was a typo in the post. The relative paths in swpath worked until 270, is in 271 when are crashing. Actually setting paths via mameui gui also crashes the emu too, so will try in another computer if the behaviour is the same.. Edit: Tried in another computer with fresh install. The swpath is completely broken. Anyway don't mind, I'll use the command line.
  13. StHiryu

    MAMEUI64 0.271.0

    Setting relative paths in ini files crashes the emu when selecting affected system. For example megadrive PAL at megadriv.ini: swpath ..\..\MegaDrive This feature worked fine in 0.270. Also trying to set up a software path from software tab in gui freezes the emu. EDIT: After more testing, seems some changed in latest mame about managing sw list paths. If you set at mame.ini: swpath software TO swpath null the emu won't crash, but mame couldn't find the sw files anymore. Another fix is the set the megadriv.ini to: swpath software;..\..\MegaDrive But the emu only will look at the software folder... Actually I'm launching games via command line.
  14. StHiryu

    MAMEUI64 0.271.0

    MAME, WOLFMAME AND MAMEUI 0.271 32bit available (Xp compatible). Download from: RETRODANUART MAME XP
  15. StHiryu

    MAMEUI64 0.270.0

    I've been busy the last months, but some releases ago I've reported a bug about the behaviour of the mouse pointer when using windowed mode, so I will report again with more detail: And again I remark is not intended behaviour, it's a bug since it works fine in mame. If you set at your mame.ini the following options: # # OSD VIDEO OPTIONS # window 1 # # OSD INPUT OPTIONS # mouseprovider win32 When the game is launched with win32, the window captures the pointer, making it no visible and letting you control the gun crosshair (In this example with Operation Wolf). Has been this way in mame and mameui forever, but since some releases ago, MameUI doesn't capture the mouse pointer, making the game unplayable with that devide since you can't move the gun crosshair. It's the same behaviour like setting mouseprovider to dinput. I provide this little video as a example launching the game in both mame and mameui 0.270 versions. https://www.mediafire.com/file/4ql6omgyebblw6l/MameAndMameUIMousePointer.mp4/file
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