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Everything posted by StHiryu

  1. I can confirm that picking the following systems at the gui, the emu crashes (even deleting the ini file): ibm5170, at385,at486,at586, and probably more...
  2. Well, it happened with megadrive, master system ans super nintendo (all pal systems)...and with master system ii pal had to recreate a new ini file because it hangs the emulator. Will try with more systems..I'll tell you what I can find
  3. There is a problem loading games at mess systems, for example, loading a game via mameUI 185 by mediaview or SW files, the first time works but then the game won't be changed. The only way to make it work is doing it by the mame internal ui. Deleting the ini files doesn't solve the problem.. Even when loading a system without a game, it loads the last played with that system..
  4. No I aren't happy with that, it was just I didn't understand that. Applied those changes and now arcade ini files are only created if I change the properties of each game. Big thanks
  5. Hi again, I don't understand at all why to create an arcade.ini file. What's its purpose? Could you explain it more deeply? Cause I didn't create that file and the new mameui works perfect...It's true that when I run an arcade game, a ini file is created with its name, but this is happening several mameui versions ago... Thanks in advance.
  6. Thanks Robbert, one question, is it possible to hide or show the software panel based on the system selected in the ui? For example with genesis is visible, and hidden with sf2 arcade rom...
  7. Should be useful for the 180 release, to add a folder in the left panel for arcade only games (Currently there are folders for computers and consoles). Thanks for the great job keeping this projects alive
  8. I request to stay it¡¡¡
  9. Thanks a lot¡¡¡ Will release 64bit versions of bleeding edge releases?
  10. StHiryu

    MESSUI 0.172

    Mmmm thanks, maybe that happened to me and accidentally I crashed my emulator while recording, I don't remember... Anyway, I've tested it at the 172x86 with a clean install and worked perfectly. So...waiting now for the next 173x64 release...
  11. StHiryu

    MESSUI 0.172

    I've tested the 32bit version, seems to be in very good health, the only problem i've found is: -When you select Multi-Threaded Rendering at misc tab, the emulator crashes. And I remark a pair of things i don't know are specific issues of the 64bit 171, that don't happens in 172v32 and seems to be solved: -When you activate hlsl, the emulator crashes (I've just put the hlsl folder from mame in mess, as long it should work) -Once you launch a game with the option Play and Record avi output, after this, no matter what you do, when you launch a system, an avi output is generated again and again Good job Robert
  12. StHiryu

    MESSUI 0.172

    Very happy to see it alive and kicking¡¡¡
  13. Uncheking the autosnapshot size and setting it manually to 800x600 solves the problem...big thanks!!
  14. Glad to hear it, hope MESSUI will continue alive in a near future
  15. Hi, in the new MESSUI v171, clicking on an item of the software list, the emulator crash again. It happens in the x64 executable, x86 works well.
  16. So one image values more than 1000 words: (All captures are with the default cfg in 171 in messui, note than i use the same cfg in mame for arcade machines, and works well) For amstrad cpc 6128 Edit: Sorry but i can't upload more images to the forum, but you can try with supernes or genesis, the avi output only captures the left side of the screen....
  17. Hi, this is my first post, so let's go... Maybe this is more a mame issue than a messui issue: When i capture avi output with some machines like super nintendo, genesis/ megadrive or amstrad, the captured area doesn't cover all the screen, or the image is distorted.. Super nintendo area was in good state in 0170, however, in 0171 come back to show only the screen partially... Thanks in advanced...
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