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Everything posted by pmc2

  1. hello Tux and HNY, tell me, don't you think you could add the dlls systematically in the zips, I don't see the point of separating them anymore, the size is ridiculously small and anyone with a connection is good enough for just a few MB, maybe it would be easier for everyone! Just a suggestion... and THANK YOU for the changelog !!
  2. pmc2

    MAMEUI64 0.273.1

    Hello, Do you know if the Mamedev team decided to skip December (like last year) or are they just late with the official release of Mame 273? Thank you and happy end of year.
  3. hello just for your own information, the latest xp-compatible version (if you replace the dlls, of course) is 0.97.1 (the .2 version definitively breaks this compatibility). After so many years, someone had to let you know ^^.
  4. I don't want to rub it in, but Mercurious is right, the default audio device is never the right one (that's how I discovered I had an HP in my screen, thanks for that^^), it's been like that for a few releases now. On the other hand, it saves once I change it (but I'll retest on the latest version to be sure). I don't know how it's done in Windows, why it wasn't like this until a few versions ago and since then it's changed. Is defect 0 the output of my screen instead of the classic HP one, I don't know. It's not important to me but something happened either in windows or in raine.
  5. thank you, and if you'd like to do a changelog one day soon so that we can relay this properly, that would be great
  6. Hello, do you think you could make us a simple changelog, it would take you less time to write and it would be more concise for the rest of us who relay your news, thanks for this version
  7. pmc2

    Raine 0.96.9 : hotfix !

    raine supports sf2mix (same author) ?
  8. pmc2

    New Mess?

    It's not messui, but if you're interested mess is compiled on emufrance in addition to mame (arcade part), for want of something better, you'll only get the console/computer part.
  9. for the history I'm willing to take this last final version
  10. I say Mercurious should be a beta tester ^^
  11. hello, do you play with a game in mvs using the music from its CD version? have I understood correctly, how do you do it?
  12. pmc2

    Finally : Raine 0.96 !

    sevenzip (21.07 in raine), 23.01 actual. (same for curl)
  13. pmc2

    Finally : Raine 0.96 !

    very modest suggestion: you should update 7z
  14. Voudriez-vous imiter Saturne ou Stv ? What I'd really like is for someone to extract the system11/12 part (like zinc at the time) from mame to launch games with real graphics quality using acceleration. and the same with the neogeo64. Mame may have added shaders etc., but it's still far too limited graphically on this kind of system (I know it's not his goal, but God knows what it lacks)... For kronos, you should ask the author, he's open-minded, and working with him would be a very good thing.
  15. pmc2

    HBMAME 0.245.13

    ok 😉
  16. pmc2

    HBMAME 0.245.13

    @Robert https://github.com/Gaston900/PSMSlugForever do you know it?
  17. Yes. that's why it's just a hack, with no real interest (playable in roms or by ips patch to be applied to the basic roms: samsho5fe). The real perfect, as I said, is only playable on PC (steam/etc) or EXA arcade.
  18. Samsh5fe is the ultimate final version of samsho 5 special (NGM/NGH 272 like samsho5sp, which makes sense). samsh5pf....it's not perfect, it's Samurai Spirits V/Zero Special "Final Edition" or "Location test" version (extracted from samsho neogeocollection) and modified by fans. "Real" Perfect is a patchs (titles screen, overkills, english language for story mode, etc) set applied on the fly in memory, on the original 2004 location test version, and available only on PC(steam/epic/..)/exa-arcade. Note that the NGM 273 is a pure invention for the samsh5pf romhack. This perfect roms in finalburn is a simple attempt to re-create Perfect (and it's mostly just the title screens and story mode text translations, but it lacks many iterations: modified fatality etc.), so this roms is just a classic hack. The NCI version is an absurdity, as it's the final edition BUT in a box with Perfect covers... adding extreme confusion to the situation (plus a sound roms is erroneous in their cartridge version, but corrected in the latest FBN version). In resume, Perfect it's the loc test rom which was used as based to make samsho5 perfect on EPIC/STEAM/EXA-Arcade, and the available version in FBN is a simple hack. Note that the exa version is slightly different from the PC version, and has been more reworked, notably to recover the original fatality of the special mvs or better translation of English texts in story mode, but once again, this is memory patching done via an official emulator called Moo . No official Perfect v1 (epic/etc) or Perfect v2 (EXA) roms are available. Only hacks may exist, and none are identical for the moment. (sorry for my english)
  19. ok thanks
  20. Hello Robert, just to understand, what is the point of reading neo files which are already the result of a conversion of the roms already working in a classic emulator like arcade64? The homebrew that would not be available in the form of classic roms (but I don't seem to have seen any)?
  21. @MomoneDk if you are interested, the binaries are on emufrance.
  22. work here.
  23. Excuse me but we're not going to have this debate every time, I explained to you 50x that it's a feedback I'm giving you. I don't give a damn about xp or anything else, so either you take this remark as a simple "plus" or you tell me that my remarks on xp bother you (which I can understand) and that's it haha Now for my part I start from the same principle as retroarch and its compatibility of old systems. if it is possible (especially here it is really simple) and even if it affects a user in the universe I arrange for it to be good, I know perfectly well that at some point it is the ultimate end but in the case of raine it is not yet that moment. Moreover, contrary to what you think and beyond the risks etc, many asian still use xp, your emulator is used more than you think here too ^^
  24. dll is not xp compatible again ^^(old are ok). I think you should put the pack for xp on your site, it would be easier (and eventually I will test for you if the new ones are functional from time to time). https://pixeldrain.com/u/npsvX5pd
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