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Agard last won the day on August 30 2024

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  1. Easy 1 someone could answer where do i put dats for MAMEUI.CLASSIC as it says dats are in wrong place as i created a dats folder & put all in there like ARCADE but obviously wrong. Any help Please & Thanks
  2. Thanks for the info i got loads to look at to see the differences. I think it would be nice that some of the slowdowns mame emulates that you could do something like an add on to ARCADE so that people have an option to run the game without them. Also there is some games out there that has slight bugs for example commando by capcom the world version says you get an extra life at 10.000 & 500000 it should be 10.000 & 50.000 same for space invasion the german version of it, the us version fixes this. I think it would be a great addition to ARCADE if you did things like that & i'm pretty sure others would like it too & then ARCADE stands out more. Thanks for all the work you have done in RAINE
  3. All respect to you for keeping this emulator going. Thank you As of now what in your opinion does Raine emulate better than MAME & does Raine emulate anything MAME doesn't ? You gave me hours of fun playing rainbow islands so I Thank You once again.
  4. I don't mind either way what design the site is I would just like to see Arcade emulators posted & a how to use as there isn't a site I know of that does that. Recent emulators is posted so why not all arcade emulators & a how to that goes along with it too. I know a lot of hard work has gone into making ARCADE emulator so why not the site to, a how to use arcade emulators would be great as I would love to learn more about others & if I could help anyone I will. I'm still learning about ARCADE & I can update my roms & a few other things but I stll can't compile my own ARCADE build, i'm a person that learns from watching others first but I haven't found an up to date video on what I need tools wise then a step by step video on compiling ARCADE. Please someone make an up to date video as I wanna learn then I would help others. Thank You
  5. Agard

    MAME news

    Glad to hear all went well. Thanks for info
  6. I there Robert it's been a long time in the making of the official rom set. I see it list Taito X & Z is that the Taito type X games Taito Zero games ?
  7. I have just for example it lists capcom then CPS-1 CPS-2 CPS-3 Other ... So exactly what other is I don't know. i can't find a rom package for it so i would know what systems it would run. Thanks Robert
  8. Hi there my fellow 1emulation members I came across Final Burn Neo & it says that it runs quite a few systems like taito type x & sega model 2 & 3 so can anyone help & tell me exactly what arcade systems it actually runs. Thanks
  9. Agard

    MAMEUI 0.218

    Hope y'all are safe. My thoughts & wishes go out to all those that have lost everything in the wild fires. Thanks
  10. Nice to be back online thanks for all your hardwork.
  11. Would love an update to what emulators are out there now & what sort of games they run. please
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