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Everything posted by Federelli

  1. What's up Mic, progress of any kind?
  2. Yeah, considering 7 zip support is a good thing. Spacewise, here's how a fullset of roms, from 0001 to 0402 and some demos compressed: NDS(.zip): 8,11 GB (8.713.881.780 bytes) NDS(.7z & zip): 7,77 GB (8.345.866.837 bytes) NDsAfter(.7z): 6,45 GB (6.935.131.852 bytes) I know that in windows an Ultra.7z decompresses/compresses way faster than an Ultra.zip, but i don't know if this also happens when implementing it oneself.
  3. Btw, i have a pretty strong feeling that.zip support is broken.
  4. Mic, even if it's just a slideshow, it's an awesome improvement. Keep it up, i see this emulator going a long, long way
  5. Outstanding work Mic , congrats!
  6. Try extracting the rom from the.zip archive. See if you get a similar error. Then something's wrong with the rom's header.
  7. Ok i'll get Fltk 1.1.x, but could you give me a hand with setting up the files?
  8. I'm getting the following: fltk-2.0.x-r4608.tar.bz2 is that ok?
  9. I'll get the required includes and SDL, and ttry to compile with Dev C++ (gcc), and Code::Blocks .
  10. So what would i basically need to compile dsemu?
  11. Two9A, you think you'll release a built version once you catchup with doublec's work?
  12. That's a nice list of things to do . Keep up the great work .
  13. I've got all DS roms released so far, would you find it worth my time testing them?
  14. No, there's 11.
  15. http://www.dspassme.com/demos/tile02.ds.gba http://www.dspassme.com/demos/audio_sampler.ds.gba Found some. Still, none works with ideas r4... not even after renaming
  16. Title says it all.
  17. I know basic, i'm gonna learn C soon.
  18. The tut is very clear and easy to follow, very well done . I don't know nothing about coding, but pretty soon it's all i'll be doing, since that's what i'm studying (i'm still doing the Algebra and Analisis areas). So keep it up, and i'm expecting the next page . A gameboy is a great place to start with emulation.
  19. Two9A, if you think that i can somehow help you, please don't doubt asking for help . I'll do whatever i can.
  20. Passthrough is the "formal" word for it .
  21. The devil is among us, BEGONE!
  22. I see, did you update the demos file with a new wrestler?
  23. Well the new mines is not good in dsemu, it looks pretty much corrupted
  24. The DS armwrestler is all green , great work. However, the GBA one isn't. SMLABB/ABT/ATB/ATT are red.
  25. Why don't you try R4? I concur with all his tests, and also: Lights.bin: It seems to work, it shows a flat shaded ship (could be missing the essential things, lights)
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