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Thank you so much Robert ^^
another system C:\Users\sm\Desktop\messui179>mess64 -debugger windows Caught unhandled exception ----------------------------------------------------- Exception at EIP=0000000000B4CFC0 (not found): ACCESS VIOLATION While attempting to read memory at 000000001317E4D0 ----------------------------------------------------- RAX=000000001317E480 RBX=0000000000000090 RCX=00007FFB86E00000 RDX=00007FFB86E10CCA RSI=00000000000E08CE RDI=0000000000000000 RBP=0000000000000000 RSP=00000000046983C0 R8=0000000000000000 R9=0000000000000000 R10=0000000004DA5A90 R11=0000000000000000 R12=000000001317E480 R13=0000000000000090 R14=0000000000000000 R15=0000000000000000 ----------------------------------------------------- Stack crawl: 0000000004698490: 0000000000B4CFC0 (not found) 00000000046985F0: 00007FFB86E11C24 (CallWindowProcW+0x04f4) 0000000004698650: 00007FFB86E11917 (CallWindowProcW+0x01e7) 00000000046986B0: 00007FFB86E22563 (MapWindowPoints+0x0533) 0000000004698738: 00007FFB872D89E4 (KiUserCallbackDispatcher+0x0024) 0000000004698740: 00007FFB845A2424 (NtUserDestroyWindow+0x0014) 00000000046987C0: 0000000000B190E4 (not found) 0000000004698800: 0000000000B19B90 (not found) 0000000004698830: 0000000000B0A0D0 (not found) 00000000046988D0: 0000000001BB186E (not found) 000000000469F1F0: 0000000000BCAF39 (not found) 000000000469F5C0: 0000000000C2CB83 (not found) 000000000469F700: 0000000000C2D1B6 (not found) 000000000469F760: 0000000000BC926D (not found) 000000000469FD80: 0000000000B09358 (not found) 000000000469FE50: 0000000001F68085 (not found) 000000000469FF20: 000000000040140C (not found) 000000000469FF50: 000000000040153B (not found) 000000000469FF80: 00007FFB847A8364 (BaseThreadInitThunk+0x0014) 000000000469FFD0: 00007FFB87295E91 (RtlUserThreadStart+0x0021)
Video: Monitor 65537 = "\\.\DISPLAY1" (primary) Direct3D: Using Direct3D 9 Physical width 880, height 707 Direct3D: Initialize Direct3D: Configuring adapter #0 = NVIDIA GeForce GT 740 RawInput: APIs detected RawInput: APIs detected RawInput: APIs detected DirectInput: Using DirectInput 8 Sound: XAudio2 created initial buffers. total size: 46080, count 10, size each 4608 Sound: XAudio2 initialized. 21 ms. Input: Adding Kbd #0: HID Keyboard Device (device id: \\?\HID#VID_0461&PID_0010&MI_00#7&277d176d&0&0000#{884b96c3-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd}) Input: Adding Mouse #0: HID-compliant mouse (device id: \\?\HID#VID_2188&PID_0AE1#6&491cae9&2&0000#{378de44c-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd}) Input: Adding Gun #0: HID-compliant mouse (device id: \\?\HID#VID_2188&PID_0AE1#6&491cae9&2&0000#{378de44c-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd}) Direct3D: Using dynamic textures Direct3D: YUV format = RGB Direct3D: Max texture size = 16384x16384 Direct3D: Device created at 864x648 Direct3D: Initialize HLSL Direct3D: First store options Direct3D: HLSL initialized Input: Autoenabling mouse due to presence of a mouse Input: Autoenabling mouse due to presence of a mouse Region ':maincpu' created unzip: opened archive file C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip unzip: found C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip ECD unzip: C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip has no ZIP64 ECD locator unzip: read C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip central directory unzip: closing archive file C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip and sending to cache unzip: found C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip in cache unzip: opened archive file C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip unzip: closing archive file C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip and sending to cache unzip: found C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip in cache unzip: opened archive file C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip unzip: closing archive file C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip and sending to cache unzip: found C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip in cache unzip: opened archive file C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip unzip: closing archive file C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip and sending to cache unzip: found C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip in cache unzip: opened archive file C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip unzip: closing archive file C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip and sending to cache unzip: found C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip in cache unzip: opened archive file C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip unzip: closing archive file C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip and sending to cache unzip: found C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip in cache unzip: opened archive file C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip unzip: closing archive file C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip and sending to cache unzip: found C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip in cache unzip: opened archive file C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip unzip: closing archive file C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip and sending to cache unzip: found C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip in cache unzip: opened archive file C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip unzip: closing archive file C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip and sending to cache unzip: found C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip in cache unzip: opened archive file C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip unzip: closing archive file C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip and sending to cache unzip: found C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip in cache unzip: opened archive file C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip unzip: closing archive file C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip and sending to cache unzip: found C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip in cache unzip: opened archive file C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip unzip: closing archive file C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip and sending to cache unzip: found C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip in cache unzip: opened archive file C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip unzip: closing archive file C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip and sending to cache unzip: found C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip in cache unzip: opened archive file C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip unzip: closing archive file C:\Users\sm\Desktop\MESS_0.158_BIOS_ROMs.7z\MESS 0.158 BIOS ROMs\mo6.zip and sending to cache Starting MO6 ':' Optional memory bank ':bank3' not found Optional memory bank ':bank2' not found Optional I/O port ':mconfig' not found Optional device ':mc6846' not found (missing dependencies; rescheduling) Starting M6809 ':maincpu' Starting Video Screen ':screen' (missing dependencies; rescheduling) Starting palette ':palette' Starting Speaker ':speaker' (missing dependencies; rescheduling) Starting 1-Bit DAC ':buzzer' (missing dependencies; rescheduling) Starting 6-Bit R-2R DAC ':dac' (missing dependencies; rescheduling) Starting Voltage Regulator ':vref' Starting Philips / Signetics MEA 8000 speech synthesizer ':mea8000' Starting Cassette ':cassette' Starting MC6843 floppy controller ':mc6843' Starting WD2793 ':wd2793' Starting Floppy drive connector abstraction ':wd2793:0' Starting 5.25" double density floppy drive ':wd2793:0:dd' Starting Speaker ':wd2793:0:dd:flopsndout' (missing dependencies; rescheduling) Starting Floppy sound ':wd2793:0:dd:floppysound' Starting Floppy drive connector abstraction ':wd2793:1' Starting 5.25" double density floppy drive ':wd2793:1:dd' Starting Speaker ':wd2793:1:dd:flopsndout' (missing dependencies; rescheduling) Starting Floppy sound ':wd2793:1:dd:floppysound' Starting Floppy Disk ':floppy0' Starting Floppy Disk ':floppy1' Starting Floppy Disk ':floppy2' Starting Floppy Disk ':floppy3' Starting MC6854 ADLC ':mc6854' Starting 6821 PIA ':pia_0' Starting 6821 PIA ':pia_1' Starting MOS6551 ':acia' Starting Clock ':acia:clock' Starting RS232 Port ':rs232' Starting T07 Serial source ':to7_io' Starting 6821 PIA ':to7_io:pia_2' Starting RS232 Port ':to7_io:rs232' Starting Centronics ':to7_io:centronics' Starting Centronics Printer ':to7_io:centronics:printer' Starting Printer ':to7_io:centronics:printer:printer' Starting Output Latch ':to7_io:cent_data_out' Starting 6821 PIA ':pia_3' Starting 6850 ACIA ':acia6850' Starting Clock ':acia_clock' Starting RAM ':ram' Starting Centronics ':centronics' Starting Centronics Printer ':centronics:printer' Starting Printer ':centronics:printer:printer' Starting Output Latch ':cent_data_out' Starting Generic ROM Socket / RAM Socket / Cartridge Slot ':cartslot' Starting Software list ':mo6_cass_list' Starting Software list ':mo6_flop_list' Starting Software list ':mo5_cart_list' Starting Software list ':mo5_cass_list' Starting Software list ':mo5_flop_list' Starting Software list ':mo5_qd_list' Starting MO6 ':' Optional memory bank ':bank3' not found Optional memory bank ':bank2' not found Optional I/O port ':mconfig' not found Optional device ':mc6846' not found (missing dependencies; rescheduling) Starting Video Screen ':screen' Starting Speaker ':speaker' (missing dependencies; rescheduling) Starting 1-Bit DAC ':buzzer' Starting 6-Bit R-2R DAC ':dac' Starting Speaker ':wd2793:0:dd:flopsndout' Starting Speaker ':wd2793:1:dd:flopsndout' Starting MO6 ':' Optional memory bank ':bank3' not found Optional memory bank ':bank2' not found Optional I/O port ':mconfig' not found Optional device ':mc6846' not found (missing dependencies; rescheduling) Starting Speaker ':speaker' Starting MO6 ':' Optional memory bank ':bank3' not found Optional memory bank ':bank2' not found Optional I/O port ':mconfig' not found Optional device ':mc6846' not found Caught unhandled exception Sound: XAudio2 deinitialized ----------------------------------------------------- Exception at EIP=0000000000000000 (not found): ACCESS VIOLATION While attempting to write memory at 0000000000000000 ----------------------------------------------------- RAX=00000000119C3FE0 RBX=0000000000000082 RCX=00000000115F80B0 RDX=0000000011909E30 RSI=000000000009081C RDI=0000000000000000 RBP=0000000000000000 RSP=00000000046983B8 R8=0000000000000000 R9=0000000000000000 R10=0000000004F62BF0 R11=0000000000000000 R12=0000000011909E30 R13=0000000000000082 R14=0000000000000000 R15=0000000000000000 ----------------------------------------------------- Stack crawl: 00000000046983B0: 0000000000000000 (not found) 0000000004698490: 0000000000B4D015 (not found) 00000000046985F0: 00007FFB86E11C24 (CallWindowProcW+0x04f4) 0000000004698650: 00007FFB86E11917 (CallWindowProcW+0x01e7) 00000000046986B0: 00007FFB86E265D8 (GetLastInputInfo+0x0178) 0000000004698738: 00007FFB872D89E4 (KiUserCallbackDispatcher+0x0024) 0000000004698740: 00007FFB845A2424 (NtUserDestroyWindow+0x0014) 00000000046987C0: 0000000000B190E4 (not found) 0000000004698800: 0000000000B19B90 (not found) 0000000004698830: 0000000000B0A0D0 (not found) 00000000046988D0: 0000000001BB186E (not found) 000000000469F1F0: 0000000000BCAF39 (not found) 000000000469F5C0: 0000000000C2CB83 (not found) 000000000469F700: 0000000000C2D1B6 (not found) 000000000469F760: 0000000000BC926D (not found) 000000000469FD80: 0000000000B09358 (not found) 000000000469FE50: 0000000001F68085 (not found) 000000000469FF20: 000000000040140C (not found) 000000000469FF50: 000000000040153B (not found) 000000000469FF80: 00007FFB847A8364 (BaseThreadInitThunk+0x0014) 000000000469FFD0: 00007FFB87295E91 (RtlUserThreadStart+0x0021)
Thank you.
BTW is there some log that could include what is causing the unhandled exception?
I will keep trying to find the cause. Thank you Robert.
I am using Windows 10 64bits. I open messui64 or messui and then I select a system I want to use and run it, if the debugger is on the emulator will crash while loading the system, if the debugger is off it will work fine. Just tried Mameui32 and 64 bits and it works fine with debugger on. Left it running to see if it would hang but no it is still going on after 30 minutes.
Hello! I have been using Messui for a long time now to debug some homebrew coding but now I get the error "Caught Unglandled Exception" everytime I try to run the machine with the integrated debugger activated. I have tried both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of messui. Earlier versions work but crash after some minutes. Any ideas on how to fix this? Thank you