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Everything posted by EmanX

  1. haha brings back memories
  2. man she matured QUICK! 0.0 lol
  3. some people absolutly kno they cant sing yet they still get on thinking that they gon' make it i thnk they just wanna be on t.v. and tell there friends to watch them make a fool outta dem selves on it lol i find it pointless and a waist of there own time
  4. haha a 2 year old woow
  5. woooow im just hearin about this...sad but it just had to be eddie...
  6. i added myself cheers
  7. LMAO nice vid dat made my day
  8. wow dat burger sux i wouda got my money back
  9. sounds cool ill look it up
  10. wow either the snake was real hungry or had adeath threat why da hell would it swallow a thing dat big wow he he he
  11. yea this no surprise to me either nintendo really needs to step up in there consoles now theres alot of cmpetition wit sony and micrsoft if they want to make they are gunna have to take chances but i doubt they'll make myself i never bought a cube it didnt appeal to me as much as the ps2
  12. now shes hooooooooooottttt
  13. ok this is wat i think i think tachings shouldnt teach these theories cuz. its like a teacher teaching her religion to you and then like expecting you to believe it i mean wat if that isnt your religion and your religion is like direct opposite. i mean if you believe in god and that he create humans its your faith there nothing wrong with u believing wat u believe. Science and religion are like super different cuz science like trys to cancel the beliefs of religions especially cristiananity i mean if ur a kid like elementary student and the teacher is tellin you this then u go home and then ur parents are like really into the religion they might think ur "possesed or have the devil in you" or something im just ssayin that theory is opionated dats how i feel it shouldnt be tuaght
  14. hmm finally i never really liked aol anyway
  15. haha u prolly would pwn me im only lv 20 now and i play on server 2 set up a time for me to meet u on pm me
  16. maplestory i play but not aot of people dat i kno play so its not as fun ill try rose online thow
  17. o ok kool i did get bored myself but started playing again nuffin else to do i played runescape and completed all quest and then quit and so far i cant find any free good MMO's out there
  18. man psp's are sweet as crap dude
  19. i just finish watch advent children the graphics are sooo sweet and the movie was great i like it thow i had to speed read the subs since it was in japenese i wasnt really tryin to listen to wat they were saying
  20. oo i didnt kno this was talked about already my fault i just wanted to kno some more people who played
  21. o yea for sure im stayin
  22. i feel srry for those people and our government is soo screwed up for real...
  23. i got TWO FREE tickects to busch gardens from my sister
  24. lol i got advent children on bootleg from a friend its soo sweet and o yea there is a spell check button...
  25. this game is sweet if u dont play u should www.gunzonline.com u gotta download kinda of a big file so dail up users beware and i play my s/n emanx im lv 19 and im in a clan called moonlight any one here who plays?
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