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Everything posted by bendermike

  1. fumanchu is right
  2. Well, I'mnot asking you to release every sources you made @home (me too i have some useless or in dev' things), but when you release binaries, you have to release sources of them in way to respect open source project, like i did in the past and like kenshiro do with FBAX. I know you have good skills to modify mame UI (User Interface), and have help from others to update drivers, but i'm not fan of that. I don't care about mame's nice looking, i'm only interested in technical way, to update many drivers and cps system + neogeo are big deal. My goal for mameox is to (slowly, cause huge thing) update it close to mame 0.129 (for now). That's my developement point. Don't be sad, but i won't work with you, we have too differents points of view for mameOX. You're doing great job in skinning by the way, and i won't deny that. I think this sentence say all.. "im open for people to help with the project in little ways to help me do the stuff I can" Good luck for next coinops.
  3. Hi, happy new year to everyone here BP, i see you're making improvements on MameOx (like i'am doing but i won't say anymore,don't ask), will you decide one day to help the community with releasing sources of mameox ? (aka coin ops). This is an open source project, everyone is suposed to access it. You'll probably ask me if i want it by mail or other, but that's not the definition of open source. What's your state of mind on it ?
  4. thanks for the update bendermike. does playing the cps2roms without the xor improve game-speed? Decrypting is faster (about 10s or less) but speed is normal in-game
  5. Hi there Some CPS2 improvements : http://bendermameox.free.fr/wordpress/?language=en enjoy
  6. merci beaucoup.(probably spelled wrong. ). Not at all, well spelled
  7. Osman is an important request all over the forums, I'll certainly have an eye on this
  8. http://bendermameox.free.fr/wordpress/?language=en New blog, both french/english languages ! With updates See ya
  9. I won't spend time on that, end of the story
  10. Well you still have my msn i suppose I would speak with you about mamedox and coinops. Same thing about raiden games, fail on boot.
  11. monseuir = monsieur, well so close ^^ For Raiden games, i've tried to add them previously, drivers was good, but memory leak due to VMM does hang mameox after "Loading complete". HK$ was working on that.
  12. First lesson (free !) of french for you fumanchu (no need to hug/kiss me, sincerely no ) : "bonjour bendermike" Whatever, yes i work again on mameox like kenshiro said. (second lesson for free : "un grand malade ce kenshiro !") I want to match neogeo romsets to actual 0.126 mame (PC version), and next cps1/2 (maybe 3 not sure) also Like my blog says (i plan to translate it in english soon), i have no release date as my life is very busy, it's just a "hobby", so be patient For the crystal system, with sound off it runs better, but have always some slowdown (like mame pc), needs more memory to run perfectly (and more accurate VMM handling, iq32 maybe should help ? ) I will answer any other questions except release date Have a nice day
  13. GG kenshiro for "la bite au cul" ! And good luck for fba
  14. Easy explanation... This build (from December 2006) only support HSF2 Asia and Phoenix edition (not Japan). You're trying to run the Japanese version wich (in December 2006 of course) Xor's weren't released. If you wanna pley HSF2 with bendermameox, find the Asia Rom or Phoenix Rom. Bendermike.
  15. Hi SparX Thanks for your work Yeah, my romset is probably odd because all neogeo and cps1/2 drivers have not be updated since 2k5 version of bendermameox lol that's why roms are outdated
  16. link removed no pb
  17. weird...very very weird. don't think my build is the problem ^^ so play it on the psp
  18. What do you mean by "play like crap" ? bad sound ? bad gfx ? slowdown ? you know that you are the only one who says that
  19. Treshold 4mb commit size 512kb
  20. dunno roms are like they have been released
  21. Hi everyone It's been a while since last update So here a minor update to enjoy new released cps2 game
  22. i'am working (a real job) and have other things to do in pivate life so be patient i will continue bendermameox in january, so happy new year everyone ^^
  23. What do you mean ? an example ? ^^
  24. great job hk$ ^^ does it run only on 128mb xbox ?
  25. Great skin well done ! Think we could you something with the future bendermameox planned to january ^^
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