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Everything posted by gerner

  1. hex edit mameox.xbe?
  2. Figure I might as well ask here so other people can see as well. How do you roll t back to the bendermike samsho5sp? Can i do it just by editing some mamedox files or would I need ot recompile?
  3. Hi, I'm trying to create the right samsh5sp 272-m1d.bin for mamedox 1.1. things I've got: A 272-m1d.bin rom signature 3ca75c37. This patch: samsh5sp-m1d_3ca75c37_to_203d744e.ips which should work. Uips.com Now when I patch the file the output file I get is still 512kb. The 203d744e version I need is only 128kb. What do I need to do get the right size rom? Any help appreciated.
  4. Great, thanks for the confirmation. Its good to see this project up and running again - good work mate
  5. Hi, First of all thank you bendermike for the improvements and added drivers and BritneysPAIRS for the cool skin Sorry if this seems obvious or has been covered - I did a search and couldn't find anything. I'd like to know if a full bendermameoX.dat file would look like this: WinKawaks 1.53 Neogeo roms + Mame 84 roms (including CPS1 and 2?? but exluding the neogeos??) + benderMameoX.01.21.2005. roms specifically included in the added dat file. = full bendermameoX set? My xbox is currently screwed so I won't be able to try it out until my new motherboard arrives. In the meantime I'm trying arrange a rom set for benderMameoX 01.21.2005 -Fixed Version, so that I'll be good to go. Cheers.
  6. Thanks for clearing that up. Looks like the mission I was about to go on has already been done!
  7. Just wanted to say Thank You to ShastaOrange for these discs - totally awesome! I've got a question about the non-working roms that were weeded out from the mame collection. Were roms that ran out of memory also not included in the disc or just the straight out non-working ones? The reason I ask is that I am getting a memory upgrade and am interested in seeing what games the 128mb can load and play compared to stock memory. Any ideas anyone? TIA!!
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