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  1. And the magazines have finally been delivered! Time for a few group photos!
  2. A limited run of about 90 copies of each of the first 13 issues of Zzap!Raine has been printed on paper. This was to satisfy about 90 fans that had requested the PDFs to be printed at high quality on paper. These paper copies are just like the PDFs but also contain one A3 poster as a 'centrepiece' in each magazine, with the 'story/making of' of the poster in its back page. I prepared the printable files, got quotations from a print shop in Italy, collected the money from the 90 fans, and ordered. This is 100% not for profit and we are paying just what the cost of printing and shipping is. The Zzap!Raine Team is doing this all for free for the benefit of these fans I have received the first batch of 3 magazines from the print shop today, 88 copies of each of issue 7, 8 and 10. The prints of the remaining 10 magazines will be delivered in the next week or so. Photos at the below Facebook post, and more photos will be printed as I receive the other magazines: https://www.facebook.com/ZzapRaine/posts/pfbid02MaoEArpK3tsphBPpP9sNLTJKjeE1wLnwG5p9emyvb9evzMn6jM31rCLqjU5NM7mRl
  3. Aha I sure remember the day you differentiated the 32 and 64 bit by adding the sh2 emulation to one and not the other. I just didn't realise this release was about extending the sh2 emulation to the 64 bit build. I will make sure to post about this new release on the Zzap!Raine Facebook page when the fix is available. Thanks for the excellent work! L.
  4. A new version of RAINE is always very welcome! What is the major effect of the updated sh2 emulation? Are there new games supported by RAINE, or does this change improves the general quality of emulation to the previously available games?
  5. It really is the end of an era
  6. And issue 11 is now online and the project is now officially complete Future updates will be on the Zzap!Raine Facebook page (and reposted here on the forum) Download from: https://raine.1emulation.com/zzapraine/issues.html
  7. Over the past few months I also published Issue 9, Special Issue Christmas 2003, and Issue 10. One only issue remains: Issue 11 - it will be published on 30 June, then the project will be complete https://raine.1emulation.com/zzapraine/issues.html
  8. Shared on the Zzap!Raine Facebook page (in Italian, yes, but Facebook does the translation...) https://www.facebook.com/ZzapRaine/posts/pfbid02EUdssW7smAUFMFifFYmn3iLohiYXJKABLorTMtWDSXeN7b7H7xEjvs7FeZDQttNl
  9. Can't wait to try it
  10. So is the hotfix available for download already? Or will it be today? And it also emulates SF2Mix?
  11. The Zzap!Raine PDF project will be presented on a live streaming on AntaGamers (in Italian only) - at 9.30pm Italian time today, 12 March 2024 Link: https://www.youtube.com/@AntaGamersVideo/streams
  12. Zzap!Raine Issue 8 is now free as a PDF for download! All issues 1 to 8 (including Anniversary Issue 1) are available at: https://raine.1emulation.com/zzapraine/issues.html
  13. Just read this from the latest version of MAME, released today: "The microcontroller program for Taito’s KiKi KaiKai was recently extracted. This contains a substantial amount of game logic, allowing the simulation code previously used by MAME to be retired and giving more confidence that the emulation is accurate." Question for Tux: would it be possible / a good idea/ do you have any interest to implement this in RAINE which, I presume, uses simulated logic for that MCU (and therefore not accurate)?
  14. Excellent job - posted on the Zzap!Raine Facebook page, too
  15. Hi I havent downloaded the latest version of Raine, but noticed graphic decoding glitches in Pengo and Pengo2u - both occurring in the demo when the austral aurora is shown. Was this present in old versions of Raine? I believe this is the first time I noticed this bug. Tried Raine 0.96.5 x64 on Windows
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