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rockarollo last won the day on April 3 2021

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  1. Thanks for this but i gave it a try and it crashes every time i change something ( i.e. changing available filters ) and its slow like a hell while loading/booting
  2. Thanks Robert. I noticed Arcade64 is missing Time Crisis II. Latest MAME can run it with no problem since they fixed issue about black screen at begin of 2nd mission Can you add it to Arcade64? Many thanks
  3. Hello, sorry for the question but how it works? I mean, I have all my roms in roms folder and set the ROMs directory but HBMAME doesn't list my roms. I'm using the UI version and I thought it works like others MAME but maybe I'm missing something. Can someone help me? Thanks EDIT Ok, I found the problem. HBMAME works only with specific roms made for it. Didn't know that. Sorry for the question GREETs
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