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Everything posted by Saku00

  1. hey...where i can download it?
  2. grat as usual
  3. thx Thraxen,no prob,i've succefully patched fraxxx,unfurtunately my (old modded) xbox freeze on xbox logo (like old fbaxxx but not for old fbaxxx pro)
  4. I can't patch fba 26/8...why?
  5. anyway is not public yet
  6. someone can help me with a patch? source: any target: 271-m1c.bin crc f5515629 thx in advance!
  7. Download is offline?
  8. Some roms like: Big striker,hyper duel (world) are unavailable...can Hk fix it?
  9. Great work...but no DAT for romcenter?
  10. who?!?!
  11. no prob prican,i just remove link on my banner
  12. Prican just remove link,and just here someone help me
  13. sorry i've lost the bios list again...can someone help me?
  14. Another grat question: Complete romset is over 4.7gb(full DVD),right?
  15. Stupid question. The last version of FBA PRO by T + is ever in fist post of this topic?
  16. Nobody can help me please?I want to make a single DVD with all mame d0x 1.1 working roms
  17. Fine...unfortunately is MINE 1 april day joke
  18. Can someone post a list of NO WORKING ROMS on MAME dox 1.1?Thx in advance!
  19. It's off line...Prican'll not appreciate this post
  20. thx!
  21. Someone have: 1)a list of " NO WORKING" roms 2)a list of BIOS requires in Mame doX1.1 Thx in advance!
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