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Everything posted by Saku00

  1. Tengai works?
  2. no,of course
  3. Excuse me,but ROMCENTER 8/3/2005 is correct?Because I can't correct 151 roms!If i try to fix one of these RC give me a "yellow triangle error" similar to this->
  4. Can someone tell me names of all MAMEdOX 1.1 bios? (for example: neogeo.zip) THX!
  5. Mr x can u post a patch?
  6. Hey Mr X,give me a good news!
  7. no news about that?
  8. I'll try to patch this evening(GMT+1 here) or tomorrow afternoon,thx for all
  9. NOOB MODE AGAIN,but it is a XBE files,no IPS file?
  10. Ok,NOOB MODE=ON I'll patch this XBE with?
  11. As requested
  12. I've make this ROMCENTER DAT(Kawa-x rom DAT+ Mr.X Kawa-x rom DAT) If someone can fix this(change bad dumps with good dump) I'll appreciate it! HERE
  13. Ok...I'm waiting
  14. Ok,but MR.X can post here a DAT for RC,right?
  15. HK$ Prican has right send me in PVT,but I'm little confuse now about this roms to patch via XBE and other roms like sngoku3n e kof95 when I can change some baddumps without touch XBE.....someone can post a ROMCENTER DAT with all updates+extra roms(kof2k3 ecc ecc)
  16. There are others bad dump to replace like kof95 and sngoku3n? I've the romset of kawa-x 0.11(CRC perfect)+all the roms o yours modified kawa-x(CRC perfect)....I'm ok or not? I want only the emulator with all roms of kawa-x(+ extra like kof2k3) that working,excluded glitched roms of course....
  17. I know that I'm boring,but u can make a RC DAT with all corrections and new roms? also for sengoku3.zip?
  18. Thx again!You rulez Other situation like this or KOF95 v1?
  19. 1)Good CRC for P1 Sengoku 3 is E0D4BC0A? 2)Are my ANDRODUN/BNGBEADN correct? 3)in KOF95.zip there is the V1 that have the CRC 21469591,I know that it is a bad dump...anything to do?
  20. I have almost finish the romset of modified Kawa-x(patch by MisterX),I've some question (I suppose for Mister X) 1)There are 2 roms(ANDRODUN,BNGBEADN) that are also in normal romset,I must put in roms folder the modified, right? 2)I have seen that in official romset (I use romcenter) in all NEOGEO roms the files are comprised of the bios(000-lo.lo/sfix.sfx/sp-s2.sp1), in the new roms(kof2003 & Co.) the bios it is not integrated in the roms, changes something? Thx again
  21. Found it,if someone want a patch post here!
  22. I search 084-v1.bin crc crc21469561 I know that it is the old dump but the official DAT of Kawa-X 0.11 want this rom! THX
  23. kof2k3up-p1d_57a1981d_to_11624854 Here boy!Tnx to Neo04!
  24. I found V,I search only a patch for target 271-p1n.bin - 11624854
  25. thx as usual.... How I must to be to devide this V? And for P1?
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