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  1. The Crystal of Kings. I missed playing this game from the old version of MAMEoX.
  2. I don't understand the question. If you use the final beta, allow the advanced settings, enter the second page of option and just enable the VIDEO 720p option. it switches to 720p skin automatically. Well even though 720p option is enabled it is still using the Lowdef skin. I tried to change it in the mame.ini to switch to Hidef skin but it still reverts to the Lowdef skin.
  3. How do you enable the 720p skin? I don't see an option for this.
  4. Can I make a request for the new beta as well. Thank you in advance.
  5. Yes the Crystal of Kings works in this version but painfully slow. Do I need to enable virtual memory settings? Thanks to the Author, looking forward for the final release.
  6. Would it be possible if I could have the link as well. I'm always testing out mame for pc and xbox.
  7. I just upgraded to a E6420 Core2duo O\C to 2.33GHZ with a GF 7600GT and 2gb DDR400 ram. The highest setting I achieved with no slowdown (on some older games) was HQ X 2. I tried it on ESP and Guwang and it was beautiful. Then I tried a more demanding game like Dragon Blaze and I had to scale back to Andrea's Scale 3X. I was an AMD user for a while and I just bought a new Athlon64 4000 just four months ago. Why the switch so quickly? First my motherboard started having problems with my ram. Then I learned about PCSX2 and the increase compatibility in games. I was in total awe when I started Playing some PS2 games on my pc. I also use HQ settings on SNES9X. Life is good
  8. Mame plus plus supports hardware acceleration for PSX arcade games like Brave Blade and Tekken just like Zinc. You have to get the plugins from Zinc's website and put it in the plugins folder in Mame plus plus. Hope that helps.
  9. No. I could not get Brave Blade to play in the correct aspect ratio. It is the same problem with Zinc. Glad you got it working though. NMX
  10. You must first make sure you have a plugins folder in your mame directory and have the zinc plugins in there. You can get them from the Zinc website or Pete's GPU site. Then right click on your roms and select properties for zinc. Select the PSX plugins option and then you click on enable gpu plugins. This should work. I tried it with BraveBlade and it worked. And yes the music ingame works too. Unfortunately according to the translated website: At the time of PSX plug in use the indication of UI is not visible. Which probably means you cannot configure the plugins but it worked fine for me. Now before you thank me for the fix, I should thank you for finding it. I have been looking for months to find a MAME which supported H\A for psx games so Thank you and good luck.
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