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About Z-Neo

  • Birthday 08/16/1974

Contact Methods

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    Z-Neo or NeoFuuma
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  • Interests
    Games, Emulation, Sprite Rips

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Nightwish - Nemo
  2. I wondered why my hair was falling out...no wait...thats from marriage
  3. Gamecop offered me some cash to come back, lol. Actually, World of Warcraft sucked the life outta me for a while, trying to get back into other things.
  4. Some things never change, heh
  5. well, after i go spend a couple hundred today on my son. I might have enough left over for a new vid card and a couple of DVDs. I'm not too big on material items for myself anymore anyways. I'd rather spend it on my son, lol.
  6. hmmm, with $75, i could almost pay off this computer finally!
  7. Well, it did make tops at the box office over the weekend, outdoing Dreamer( some movie about a horse), and that Wallace and Grommit movie. I think it made around 16 million, which isn't too bad, but probably way lower than the producers and such had hoped for.
  8. WoW is my first try with any MMORPG, and I'm having a great time with it. I chose it because I have a couple of friends who play it, and we group up from time to time. I might try a couple of others once the fun with WoW wears off, but for now I'm content with it.
  9. Best wishes to K`Dash and his family through all of it. It's nice to see support like this on a message board. Makes it all the more special
  10. Damn, i lost 3 1st places since i last checked..... Long as I have my coveted Hovercraft Racing score, i'm happy.
  11. MagicEngine is the only emulator I'd ever pay for. I've tried Hu-Go, but never could get ISOs to work with it very well. It's sad that there aren't very many tg16 emulators around at all, or that made it very far into development. You could always download the trial version of MagicEngine, and just save every 5 minutes or so.
  12. Granted, most of them may not be spectacular, but they do show potential, especially since he is just 13. Keep practicing with them laserjohn, and you'll get nothing but better with it
  13. yep yep, happy Birthday Ryuken!
  14. Off the top of my head, finishing Shenmue 2 is one of my favorite moments.
  15. Here it's gone from around $2.09 a gallon early last month up to $3.19 as of last Thursday, but now it's dropped back down to $3.05-$3.09 a gallon. Luckily, I filled up last Sunday when it was only $2.52 a gallon. My state's legislators have talked this week about suspending the state's tax on gasoline to help out until prices drop on their own, but I'm not sure if that will pan out or not.
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