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Everything posted by Blade

  1. I'm in the process of collecting quotes and translating them for the Guilty Gear fighting games, all across the board so to speak, GG, GGX, GGXX, GGXX Slash, and the upcoming Accent Core. My Faq can be found here: http://mimeblade.oddigytitanium.com/Guilty...te_Database.txt One of the pieces of missing information I'm looking for for my database is the random Tag Team Battle victory quotes found in Guilty Gear X Advanced Edition. But there's just one problem: The quotes are so random I find it nearly impossible to collect them all. Often times they never show up on screen at any given time like I want them to. It's like they aren't even there. If someone knew how to extract the data programmed into the rom that types out the text in it, I'd be grateful for the transcript.
  2. I'm just basically looking to learn how to rip music from Gamecube games, if anyone knows anything, I'd appreciate info.
  3. Okay, so it's been years since MKT came out on the PSX and I'm wondering if there's a way to fix the music and sounds (which by default either play too slow or too fast) from the game so that it plays them properly...if not on a console then at least on an emulator...I have a sound editor and I'm wondering if this is possible and getting it to work? Does anyone have any advice on this?
  4. I thought I'd share by findings this far: http://www.dustloop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1138
  5. I discovered that a fighting game of mine, GGXX Slash has a music.pck file on it that has all the music tracks from the game in it. I know the PC version lets you swap Ogg files, but I'm wondering if it's possible to tweak this game's music for PS2? Does anyone know how to open PCK files? I know Cubemedia Player can play them well enough.
  6. Okay, so, I figured out how to use the Playstation Independence Exploit and am enjoying my import games on my PS2 HDD immensely, and although setting this up was a little complex, it was indeed worth it. My question is this...what all else can you use your HDD for? I even set it up as an FTP Server to upload my backups. I know it's something of a crazy question but...is there any remote chance of me being able to upload my old PSone ISO backup of the original Guilty Gear onto my HDD? Some kind of PSone Loader? My old disc is scratched to heck and I made a backup of it. I know that last question was less likely since the PSone Driver isn't even connected directly to the HDD I don't believe.
  7. Does FRAPs record sound too?
  8. So by request I was asked to make a demonstration video of the Original Guilty Gear character moves, overdrives, and instant kills what wilth the recent interest in Guilty Gear XX Slash. If anyone has any suggestions about recording in the emulator, that'd help immensely...also compression options too? Much thanks.
  9. Wouldn't it just be easier to set the dipswitches in Mame to Freeplay?
  10. Any specific one? I liked 2001 myself.
  11. Okay, so it was late one night and I was browsing the net when I came across some rips of the old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade game's music. My personal fave song was the first level "Burning Building" and that just got me to thinking about what you guys liked for music at the arcades of yesteryore and/or Mame? Either ripped or just playing the game to listen to the tunage...doesn't even have to be a good game to have good music.
  12. I'm actually quite interested in the idea that the emulator actually works on imports like Super Robot Wars Alpha 3...quite an accomplishment. It's quite obvious my Modded PS2 will not last forever, and until I hear that PS3 can play Backwards compatible multi-region games, I have to stick with what I've got. But yeah...still slow as heck. It took me over an hour just to get at least 5 minutes into Super Robot Wars...and I was skipping most of the text. I had no idea that character's faces loading and fading out took so many frames.
  13. I know PS2 has Cubemediaplayer, and I know Snailrush made PSound, but what does Dreamcast have in the way of sound rippers? Not that I want to rip music in particular, since I've already got that...I just want some vox files... Also, can someone tell me what these extensions are and if I can open them? NJ PVM PVR MLT MPB OSB PVP DRV And there's BIN in there but that could be anything.
  14. I'm using the P.E.Op.S. Soft Driver for my GPU and I'm using an ATI Radeon X300 Graphics Card, also, do you know if there's a plugin that lets you use USB Controller/Joysticks for PSXeven? The only plugin I have is the Segu Direct Input Keyboard Driver.
  15. Okay, let me set the record straight by saying that PSXeven does indeed work on my system as I've gotten such games as Valkyrie Profile, Final Fantasy VIII, Einhander, among other games, to work...my only gripe is that I'm not quite sure how best to optimise how the games are displayed. Either the Video is too fast/garbled, or the gameplay is fast-forwarded or laggy/slow. I know there's a way to set it so that the framerate is just right, I'm just not quite sure how to do it. Also, I'm wondering if there's a way to hide sprite layers with the emulator for sprite-ripping.
  16. I own the game, so no worries there. I just want to know if there's a way to tweak the enemy layouts/attack patterns, maybe make it more fun/less scripted/more challenging? Oooh, even better, writing an Ikaruga-specific emulator that lets it run independently on PC with level editing and whatnot.
  17. Enjoy our other block linups: The "Classic" Brick - Comes in Bright Red, Dark Green, or Silvery White The "Empty Block" - A prank you can play at your parties, "Who stole the mushroom?" The "Flamethrower" Block, a little tricky to assemble, but lots of fun at Limbo games. The "Seaweed" Block, accessorize your fish tank! The "Mushroom" Block, looks like a mushroom, but is useful for clobbering people with. The "Key" Block, it's more like a key than a block, watch out for those pesky Phantos! The "Modern" Brick, Golden-colored shiny goodness, designed to break easier with less head damage. Also comes in Iceblock-kicking form. The "Microgoomba" Brick, a Golden brick with a cute little Microgoomba inside, be careful, they're sticky! The "Wood" Block, has a sideways bounce to it, goes good with hardwood furniture! Can be accessorized with a Chain-Chomp! The "Note" Block, bouncy, rubbery, and perfect accessory for every musician. Pink ones take you to Coin Heaven! Also doubles as an Eraser. The "Thwomp" Block, Perfect for the Gothic Anarchist's room. Watch the spikes though. The "Stretch" Block, ideal for those Haunted Halloween Holidays...watch out for the ghost! The "Rotodisc" Block, Perfect for disco-parties and late-night raves! Can either have one or two spinning discs! The "Fortress" Block, no block has ever been so strong! Perfect for those dark and dreary dungeons you call home. The "Cannon" Block, Having trouble with the neighbors? This block fires off a special Bullet Bill just for your random destructive pleasure. The "!" Block-- Make yourself be noticed by this great block, might contain a powerup inside! The "On/Off Switch" Block, want to snazz up your electrical network? Try one of these...also comes in P-Block form. The "Star" Block, comes in many colors and will suit all your celestial needs! The "Flip" Block, ideal for those days when you just want to sit and spin! The "Invisible" Block, transparent, but you can barely know it's there! Comes with a "!" Switch so that you can actually see it. The "Donut" Block, need someone to drop you off? Now you can do it yourself! The "Yoshi" Block, perfect for those days when you want to go prehistoric! The "Pow" Block, want to make some noise, wanna raise the roof? Now you can!
  18. Welp, I got it working and it is JAWSOME. Although between the two versions (ST-V Arcade, and Saturn Mode), I'd say I like Saturn mode because you can save your Weapon Level up progress and do more damage. Arcade is good for practice though. The speed of the game is fair, it tends to slow down only when a lot of stuff is going on at once, and especially this seems to effect sound. Like for instance if I'm doing a Radar Laser sweep to look for Merries while doing quick swipes with the Radiant Silversword and find a Merry, the sound effect you're supposed to get doesn't load properly or sounds warped. This is also true when a boss fires off a large cannon and I"m shooting back and sometimes the sound gets cut off and doesn't load. Other than that, this is a pretty sweet emulator, if only it had an option to turn off my pc's screensave so that it didn't kick in after long sessions (I use a controller USB adapter). Another thing that's bugging me though, in Saturn Mode the in-game dialogue doesn't load at all, the movies play fine though.
  19. Well, I switched to SSF, and managed to get the thing to enter CD-player mode, but still no sign of the CD loading yet. What kind of settings do you use for SSF?
  20. The fun side to Cosplay: And I dunno why, but I like it.
  21. I've been beside myself with frustration trying to get this Disc to work on my computer (which reads, but isn't reading as a game), but well, it just isn't happening. I matched the Japanese Bios with the Japanese Regional settings and I'm still getting the error "ClockChange 320 Requested" on my Satourne emulator. If anyone knows of a better emulator or how to set up Satourne, please help me. I'm banging my head against the wall here.
  22. I got it to work, but you're right, it does have bugs in it. Lastly, do you know if there's a way to fix the game's control sensitivity in Kawaks (I've got the loader 1.46), Ryu seems to have a hard time pulling off his Shoryuken compared to Ken among other things. I'm using a USB/PS2 Controller adapter, but I doubt that has anything to do with it. If there's nothing that can be done it just proves SNK didn't do quite as good a job for the game as Capcom did with theirs.
  23. Didn't want to start a new topic, but I could use some help here, as I'm not sure what romset I have for this game. Also maybe someone can point me to where the ASR.DAT info would be for me to get this to work, or perhaps I need to rewrite all this to.bin?
  24. Thanks for the info. Man I wish NAOMI or Atomiswave would come out soon....oh well. *is being patient*
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