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Everything posted by krow

  1. krow


    and it works or its fake?
  2. well, i think that emulating the sprites is a good idea, i test some roms with rotation and now works better, and the bottons are working well but i dont know if are working x and y. i will test som demos and i will post if something comes up. see ya!!!
  3. sorry but i didnt know that there is no private beta. well the touchscreen demo is good it calls nibbles.bin its a snake version for the ds its really good (its working in dualis), here is a link to the demo Nibbles. I hope this helps. A screenshot of the arm tests for the ds:
  4. Well, i just download 3 roms: first the 2d tetris demo with the twoscreens working but DSemu didnt show anything the second is a demo with the touchscreen emulation but like in the last public realise it doesnt have it i cant test it, maybe in the private beta could work cause TwoA9 said that there is some touchscreen emulation and the two screens are working. the third is an arm9tester that shows how its going the proper DS cpu and shows something but it doesnt show anything when you select a option. If someone has the private beta i think you can test it this could help. See ya!!!
  5. well that emu is good, but it need more work. i know that it runs ds demos, but thats no important, DSemu better that the other emus arround, why? its easy to know Two9A listen to our opinions and if is a good idea it puts on his emu, the others (i think) only take opinions from the people that they think only they experience on emulation. other one, DSemu is emulatin the arm7 and thats good because its better to begin from the basic things and then the big things, i don't know but i think that the other autors of ds emus want to impress other people with running demos or commercial games. well thats what i think so dont try to kill me cause i will kill you first.
  6. Hello buddys, well im back and to say that the tetris demo is showing more graphics and it looks great. well i test other demos but they doesnt work, but its good to see that Two9A is working hard. It seems that there is no sprite emulation so some demos does not work if there are sprites. See ya!
  7. I hate the people that uses other people work to make money for themselfs, if we could do anything , we could stop this. No we must stop this its like in my high-school, people get others homework and they say "I did it with nigths with out sleep", I hope this could stop.
  8. Hey, whats up?, well i fixed the problem it just needs to modify the ini file, but i have a new cuestion, what buttons are L and R because a and b are z and x but i dont know the others please help, and it seems to have some problems with the tiles part, i will put a screenshot later, see ya!!!
  9. Hello there buddies well i have a question wen i run armwrestler.bin in DSemu well I dont see nothing, whats wrong? what i need? please help me, and i make a GBA example whit loading sprites, rotation, and key input but i didn see nothing in all the versions of DSemu, does it have sprite support? thanks and see ya!! Krow, always ahead in emulation!!! Go DSemu you can do it!!!!
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