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Everything posted by hairytash

  1. The ST version of Rainbow Islands was far better than the Amigas, but thats the only occassion I can think of when the ST came out on top
  2. Capcom Sports Club - I can beat the football and basketball but I cant even win 1 game at tennis - can anyone else?
  3. In the early 90s I used to work until around midnight and we all used to pile round my house afterwards. A friend would bring his megadrive so we'd have 2 setup - damn good fun on the old 4 way play and J-Carts and the 8 way Micro Machines 2 was great
  4. Genesis - More into sports games than anything else although I do agree the standard gamepad was a nightmare, - so many thumb blisters. But with an Arcade Power Stick - It was king. I still have the stick, I just wish it had more buttons and could be used on PC like it could on an Amiga
  5. Used to play 6 a side footy for a local team years ago now its just a quick kick about with my son. I usually manage about 10 mins before the urge for a smoke takes over!
  6. Athlon 1700 XP Gigabyte GA7VTXE+ Dual Bios 256MB DDR (512 Soon) GeForce 3 Ti200 128MB DDR On Board sound to hand-bodged speakers (sounds great though!) 80GB 7200rpm HD 16x10x40 CDRW 2xDVD FinePix 1300 Camera which doubles as a SM card reader 600k Cable modem & TV-out to a 28"Nicam Toshiba - excellent for the emulators.
  7. Wile E Coyote and Foghorn Leghorn are great but I gotta say Tom & Jerry rules. Night before christmas Mice follies Cat concerto and my fave, Yankee doodle mouse.
  8. You appear to have dled a full copy of splinter cell with a text file containing the serial as well if the.exe does not work try renaming to.zip.rar.ace if they dont work then id be 99% certain that the file is screwed. You could always use a program called cd mage which can often repair corrupt images (all formats.bin.iso etc).
  9. because ive got 2 young kids i have 2 ways to play, if the kids are awake then i cheat so i can leave a game at any time to check on them. It also makes for faster less immersive gameplay which is definately what you need with a 2 year old hanging around. But when theyve gone to bed the serious play starts and cheats dont happen. I also make a point of playing already completed levels when the kids are around so it doesnt make it easier at night. Its the perfect balance for me.
  10. On the plus side Beattie at Southampton is looking good this time. Hes a goal a game at Southampton and my scouts are screaming recommendations - roll on January when the transfer window opens! Also a lot of the Scandinavians are still great (good on the transfer budget) So far Ive spotted Magne Hoseth and Mads Jorgensen still looking excellent (an excellent pair of wingers!)
  11. My ex-wife got upset with me once and threatened to throw out my megadive and mega-cd 1 (the one that stacked on top of each other). I called her bluff and she threw it outside onto a concrete path. For the truly amazing part afterwards, it still worked fine all the damage suffered was a couple of scratches on the underneath of the mega cd. So hats off to sega for outstanding build quality
  12. Had to play as barca as well so i could offer him to myself, the boy just wasnt intersted in playing for ManU - however get this, after he signed i get a press quote saying how eager he was to play under me and how he thought he could assist in my search for silverware. I just needed to see if he still scored in every game! And yeah this game is gonna be outstanding in a couple of seasons if it follows a similar path to cm3
  13. check pm m8
  14. Emsley, I saw your e-mail in the other topic so Ill send you my 4-1-2-1-2 and you can reply with yours - im always up for giving new tactics a try, however i think the bigger issue this time round is the training schedules if you wanna peek at mine give us a shout and ill send them. DreamCastLover, Ihavent got the bug regarding the form guide, but a couple of your other bugs interest me, I can still score after changing tactics in the second half, but I definately appear to score less goals if the 2d engine is running, how about you? I dont agree with the foreward scoring theory but the bias is definately not right, after 6 games with Man Utd my total stands; Kluivert 9 Van Nistelrooy 2 Veron 2 Keane 1 So far Beckham hasnt had a single free kick on target (not right!) But the most annoying thing for me is during 2d mode the play never switches wings directly, even if the recipient is not marked and in line of sight. Finally Baseley - if youre interested Kluivert is still over a goal a game!
  15. You mean hockey management! Its called Eastside Hockey Manager, unless they got another one coming too
  16. I need no help - Ive been playing this series since 93 on the Amiga, each version has had a formation that rules, and i think im close to cracking it for CM4 already. However if you know how to install the logo packs (displays club logo on top right of screen) then Im all ears, because the instructions supplied are incorrect! As for the bugs, although they are numerous none of them are serious (that Ive noticed) EP1 sorts most of them anyway. Now they just need to fix the throw-in bug and Im happy (at the moment)
  17. Its an extremely organised heap that has its own laws of physics, with the amount of stuff piled on it, black holes may well emerge there! Seriously - I got CD wallets, CDs, book of passwords & codes etc, mags, bills, pens, apointment cards, mediction, contact lenses and glasses. Thats after ive cleaned it of my kids toys which have been taken off them because theyre hitting each other with them or theyve broken them. (my desk is no go for the kids, so anything of value eventally works its way there. It constantly amazes me that the kids will break any and all rules in the house except not touching my desk. I suppose it goes to show what i worry about the most!)
  18. Carts are the best not only for the reason you stated Gamecop, but also because theyre easier to clean. Get a dirty cart or connection and it just needs a wipe with a cotton bud - but get a dirty lens and in my experience you can never really clean it properly just prolong its life a little, innevitably it needs replacing. This is especially true if you are a smoker or live in a smoking household. The only point in favour of CDs is the size - easier for storage.
  19. Yeah CM4 - 10 hours played and Im just about to start the regular season, its that 2D match - Im addicted to watching the games and im so tired of shouting "play it out wide" or "switch wings" to the monitor, definately needs an update to the AI! but still so damn addictive. And Cleethorpes is pretty close about 40 miles north of Skegness, have some great memories of daytrips there, (Skegness) First saw Dragons Lair in the Pier arcade, brings a nostalgic tear to the eye - lol. Anyone else been there, used to be some great arcades in my youth, 15 - 20 yrs ago!
  20. Im a 33 year old owner of a Hairy Tash, married with 2 of the offspring of Satan. I currently live in Oxford Uk but grew up in Grimsby, neighbouring the Golden Mile of Arcades at Cleethorpes - hence my interest in gaming. Im currently not working due to injury so plenty of time for my other hobby - Championship Manager.
  21. I read something today about a copy of The Core thats being circulated at high speed by a block of IP addresses in NY, apparently it plays 6 seconds in preview but the file itself doesnt work. Seems to me that there might be attempts to restrict circulation of working copies by flooding broken ones. It had to happen sooner or later
  22. Ive been looking casually for Soul Blade for playstation for a while so if anyone spots it, I wouldnt mind a link, but since I got cable I think Im quite happy at the moment!
  23. Animal House - Funny and excellent soundtrack Sinbad series and Jason & The Arganauts - Holiday Classics
  24. Why u lookin for champ man 4? it aint released until 28 march and wont be finished when it is released, I hear it needs a patch which will be available on release. So no point till then! If u usin Kazaa you need sig2dat so you can dl verified files. Works for me But I agree with you about virus and renamed file, annoying little ***** and too damn selfish to name files correctly.
  25. Im a fan of the books but not the films. Dont get me wrong they are good but theres too much missing and too many adaptions for my liking. There are a few improvements in the films but the characters are all wrong. I feel sorry for anyone who watches the films without reading the books, theyre missing as much as they see in the films.
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