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Everything posted by Xr8d

  1. BP when you get a few minutes would you gen up a wide icon for XBMC and post in the X-S wide forum or http://mediaicons.org/. Very nice work.
  2. That fixed it. Thanks +T+.
  3. I can't imagine trying to get everything 'cleaned up' without the ability to FTP. You can transfer and rename via XBMC filemanager though. But, to get XBMC to show a thumbnail, there are two methods to add them manually: 1. For a folder and all its contents, label the image 'folder.jpg' (litteraly) and put it in the folder. 2. For an individual file, label the image the same name as the file and change the extension to.tbn. There aren't any size restrictions that I know of.
  4. This seems like something I should know by now, but, does MAME generate its own.dats like FBA? If so, where? Im consolidating the two sets and all Ive come up with is 080305 v1.1 included with release.
  5. Is there a new MAME update that includes the same/current FBA Pro roms. Or just wait till ver 1.2?
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