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  1. It's fun to start, but gets real boring after a while... I think I need something new.
  2. Wouldn't that be a bit of a hassle? I mean, you rip off the top of your GC, how the hell you gonna put it back on?
  3. It works fine without glN64, but with a minor drawing error on the title screen.
  4. Both of those games seem to work fine for me (Banjo-Kazooie has a minor audio-video sync problem). I use N-Rage's controller plugin, all others are default. I find I get better graphics with glN64 as the video plugin, though.
  5. Has anyone managed to get Rogue Squadron working properly in any N64 emulator yet
  6. Step aside, people, the Ocarina Guru is here! I have played and completed this game on both the original system and emulation, so I know what I'm on about. Now, where might you be stuck?
  7. Nemu can work Rogue Squadron, but with some major graphics glitches (you can't even see the ground)
  8. Where can I get this?
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