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Everything posted by Weirdy

  1. You already scared one member away like that, Jeffery Dahmer. I honestly thought he meant that in a Ron Jeremy kinda way, but I guess I was wrong
  2. are you trying to admit that you're a big time stutterrer?
  3. yes they did, they sucked more cock than Jenna Jameson ...seriously though, it was pretty stupid on how they went from such a badass arcade game to a crappy 2d-small res-bad quality musik console version seriously, that was the lowest amount of quality I've ever taken from an original arcade release
  4. for some reason, I always like story lines in fighting games that always have ppl coming back from the dead or something, idk why, I've always liked that except on Mortal Kombat, cause that's all they do on MK games and the shock to that got old for me. I mean, yeah, it was ok when I was 7 and I had MK III and sh!t, but then they do that over and over again now...and now I'm just like...*yawn*...so Kano's back ehh? *sleeps*
  5. it was pretty good, but not the best. Especiallly for it's TYME
  6. I think zombie Heiachi would be cool with intestines and boogers hanging out of hom. Now that would be a game to play. maybe he'll get alzheimers and forget what happend
  7. besides, kaillera sucks even more anyways....since there's crappy specs on my end...HOOORAY FOR GUNBOUND!!
  8. now the question is....why the hell is fightersgeneration so damn slow?!
  9. Tekken games are fun not only to play, but to beat as well cause there's always a lot of secret characters. I like that in a game
  10. I can't see any of the pics when I go to the site, can someone please remotely link em for me
  11. and all those will be covered just by installing this. It covers many others too
  12. but what Clinton did behind desks was Kenneth Star's business, right?
  13. well....he was raised most of his life in texas, can you blame him for liking guns?
  14. ah well....at This Link they're saying a there's gonna be a new version soon that'll run that Shenmue game or whatever
  15. Yeah...Spanish people with their vosotros... bah! and their lisps They lisp? I never knew that. yeah, they say their Z's like th's, same goes with the c's
  16. they turned off the auto voice
  17. Yeah...Spanish people with their vosotros... bah! and their lisps
  18. I speak spanish, but I bet if I were to go to spain, I wouldn't understand a damn word
  19. maybe you dreamcast nuts would like to bid on this
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